Android:Crashlytics 未发送报告 C++ 库崩溃

Android: Crashlytics not sending report c++ library crash

我有一个 Android 应用程序,它有一个 C++ 库(通过 JNI)。

每当库崩溃时,应用程序也会崩溃,但我在 crashlytics 上没有收到崩溃消息。

这是Crashlytics的限制吗。它只捕获未捕获的 Java 异常吗?

注意:主线程上导致应用程序崩溃的任何 Java 异常都会被 Crashlytics 捕获,所以我知道它正在运行。

您说得对,Android SDK 目前仅捕获 Java 异常。不过,Twitter 宣布 Crashlytics 即将推出 NDK 支持。



Latest Toys from Crashlytics Labs : Many of you who are building awesome apps with the NDK on Android have requested support from Crashlytics. Since opening access to our beta program in October, our Labs team has continued building this out and enhancing its functionalities every day. We’re now working with top companies who have already shipped their apps with our beta — so if you haven’t test out our NDK beta yet, request early access here


编辑: 我们使用测试版已有一段时间了,效果很好。它现在已经发布给一般 public,您可以阅读他们的 blog post

现已正式发布,Crashlytics supports NDK