如何在单击按钮时使用内容 uri 更新游标适配器内的 SQLiteDB(android)中的行?
How to update rows in SQLiteDB(android) inside a cursor adapter on button click, using content uri?
这是光标适配器class,我知道它有很多代码,但您只需要在我声明按钮后查看绑定视图。我提供了完整的代码,以防它帮助其他人实现其他东西 -
`public class FruitsFragmentCursorAdapter 扩展了 CursorAdapter {
public FruitsFragmentCursorAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor) {
public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.fragment_fruits,parent,false);
public void bindView(View view, final Context context, final Cursor cursor) {
//First find all the views that I want to modify individually
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_fruit_image);
TextView engTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_english_name);
TextView hindiTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_hindi_name);
TextView measureTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_unit_measure);
TextView priceTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_unit_price);
final TextView quantityTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_quantity_text_view);
TextView priceCalTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_price_calculation);
//Find the columns of the attributes we are interested in
int columnImage = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_IMAGE);
int columnEngName = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_NAME_ENGLISH);
int columnHinName = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_NAME_HINDI);
int columnMeasure = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_MEASURE);
int columnPrice = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_UNIT_PRICE);
final int columnQuantity = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY);
final int columnItemSoldID = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_ID);
final int columnID = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry._ID);
//Read the attributes from the cursor
final String image = cursor.getString(columnImage);
final String engName = cursor.getString(columnEngName);
String hinName = cursor.getString(columnHinName);
String measure = cursor.getString(columnMeasure);
String price = cursor.getString(columnPrice);
String quantity = cursor.getString(columnQuantity);
//get the string for the cal text view separately
String calculation = quantity + " x "+price + " = " + Integer.parseInt(quantity)*Integer.parseInt(price);
//Decode the string to create a bitmap
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(image,Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString,0,decodedString.length);
//Update the text views with the values
measureTextView.setText("per "+measure);
priceTextView.setText("₹ " + price);
//Define the two buttons (increment and decrement)
Button incrementsButton = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_increment);
//Get the position of the cursor
final int position = cursor.getPosition();
//Set the onclick listener
incrementsButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//Set up a content values object to hold the quantity when updated
ContentValues incrementValue = new ContentValues();
//Move the cursor to the position of the current item under operation
//Update the quantity value
int oldQuantity = (cursor.getInt(columnQuantity));
int newQuantity = oldQuantity +1;
//Works till here
//Put the value in the content values
//Selection claus which will point to the item_sold_id which will be updated
String selection = itemsSoldContractEntry._ID + "=?";
//Get the item id which should be updated
int item_id = cursor.getInt(columnID);
String itemIDArgs = Integer.toString(item_id);
//Works till here
//Selection args claus
String[] selectionArgs = {itemIDArgs};
//Update the value
int something = context.getContentResolver().update(itemsSoldContractEntry.CONTENT_URI_ITEMS_SOLD,incrementValue,selection,selectionArgs);
Log.v("Updated"," Row"+ something);
//This is a toast to check if the correct item is being clicked
//New quantity
String newQu = cursor.getString(columnQuantity);
每次我点击按钮,它都不会更新。我不知道为什么。我浏览了 google 的所有文档并搜索了 Whosebug。仍然没有头绪。它一直 returns 0。
想通了。如果您注意到我使用 URI 访问数据库。我意识到 URI 未配置为处理更新,因此返回 0(更新的行数)。一旦修复它就非常简单了。
附上修复代码 -
//Move the cursor to the position of the current item under operation
//Update the quantity value
int oldQuantity = (cursor.getInt(columnQuantity));
int newQuantity = oldQuantity +1;
//Works till here
//Put the value in the content values
//Selection claus which will point to the item_sold_id which will be updated
String selection = itemsSoldContractEntry._ID + "=?";
//Get the item id which should be updated
int item_id = cursor.getInt(columnID);
String itemIDArgs = Integer.toString(item_id);
//This is a toast to check if the correct item is being clicked
//Works till here
//Selection args claus
String[] selectionArgs = {itemIDArgs};
//Update the value
int something = context.getContentResolver().update(
注意 - 我的内容提供者具有仅写入一行而不是整个 table 的功能,因此如果您注意到我在我更新的代码中的 URI 末尾附加了 id数量。
好吧,这很烦人,但我已经用了很长时间了。 该按钮未更新值
这是光标适配器class,我知道它有很多代码,但您只需要在我声明按钮后查看绑定视图。我提供了完整的代码,以防它帮助其他人实现其他东西 -
`public class FruitsFragmentCursorAdapter 扩展了 CursorAdapter {
public FruitsFragmentCursorAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor) {
public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.fragment_fruits,parent,false);
public void bindView(View view, final Context context, final Cursor cursor) {
//First find all the views that I want to modify individually
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_fruit_image);
TextView engTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_english_name);
TextView hindiTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_hindi_name);
TextView measureTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_unit_measure);
TextView priceTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_unit_price);
final TextView quantityTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_quantity_text_view);
TextView priceCalTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_price_calculation);
//Find the columns of the attributes we are interested in
int columnImage = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_IMAGE);
int columnEngName = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_NAME_ENGLISH);
int columnHinName = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_NAME_HINDI);
int columnMeasure = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_MEASURE);
int columnPrice = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_UNIT_PRICE);
final int columnQuantity = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY);
final int columnItemSoldID = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_ID);
final int columnID = cursor.getColumnIndex(itemsSoldContractEntry._ID);
//Read the attributes from the cursor
final String image = cursor.getString(columnImage);
final String engName = cursor.getString(columnEngName);
String hinName = cursor.getString(columnHinName);
String measure = cursor.getString(columnMeasure);
String price = cursor.getString(columnPrice);
String quantity = cursor.getString(columnQuantity);
//get the string for the cal text view separately
String calculation = quantity + " x "+price + " = " + Integer.parseInt(quantity)*Integer.parseInt(price);
//Decode the string to create a bitmap
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(image,Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString,0,decodedString.length);
//Update the text views with the values
measureTextView.setText("per "+measure);
priceTextView.setText("₹ " + price);
//Define the two buttons (increment and decrement)
Button incrementsButton = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.fruit_fragment_increment);
//Get the position of the cursor
final int position = cursor.getPosition();
//Set the onclick listener
incrementsButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//Set up a content values object to hold the quantity when updated
ContentValues incrementValue = new ContentValues();
//Move the cursor to the position of the current item under operation
//Update the quantity value
int oldQuantity = (cursor.getInt(columnQuantity));
int newQuantity = oldQuantity +1;
//Works till here
//Put the value in the content values
//Selection claus which will point to the item_sold_id which will be updated
String selection = itemsSoldContractEntry._ID + "=?";
//Get the item id which should be updated
int item_id = cursor.getInt(columnID);
String itemIDArgs = Integer.toString(item_id);
//Works till here
//Selection args claus
String[] selectionArgs = {itemIDArgs};
//Update the value
int something = context.getContentResolver().update(itemsSoldContractEntry.CONTENT_URI_ITEMS_SOLD,incrementValue,selection,selectionArgs);
Log.v("Updated"," Row"+ something);
//This is a toast to check if the correct item is being clicked
//New quantity
String newQu = cursor.getString(columnQuantity);
每次我点击按钮,它都不会更新。我不知道为什么。我浏览了 google 的所有文档并搜索了 Whosebug。仍然没有头绪。它一直 returns 0。 在评论中,我添加了直到它起作用的部分。请帮忙
想通了。如果您注意到我使用 URI 访问数据库。我意识到 URI 未配置为处理更新,因此返回 0(更新的行数)。一旦修复它就非常简单了。 附上修复代码 -
//Move the cursor to the position of the current item under operation
//Update the quantity value
int oldQuantity = (cursor.getInt(columnQuantity));
int newQuantity = oldQuantity +1;
//Works till here
//Put the value in the content values
//Selection claus which will point to the item_sold_id which will be updated
String selection = itemsSoldContractEntry._ID + "=?";
//Get the item id which should be updated
int item_id = cursor.getInt(columnID);
String itemIDArgs = Integer.toString(item_id);
//This is a toast to check if the correct item is being clicked
//Works till here
//Selection args claus
String[] selectionArgs = {itemIDArgs};
//Update the value
int something = context.getContentResolver().update(
注意 - 我的内容提供者具有仅写入一行而不是整个 table 的功能,因此如果您注意到我在我更新的代码中的 URI 末尾附加了 id数量。