从一个起始的 ActiveCell 开始,如何随机生成周围的单元格并进一步从特定值随机生成

From a starting ActiveCell, how to randomly generate surrounding cells and further randomly generate from a specific value

我正在尝试让单元格在视觉上代表一组随机数字,这些数字能够基于 while 循环向外扩展(让我们从小处着手,只是将其设为 5x5 网格,我可以根据需要进行更新) .

示例:如果我的中心活动单元格是一个数字 =randbetween(1,10),其中 1-9 的答案会在它周围的相邻单元格中放置更多 1-10 的随机数。但是,如果值为 "10" 我希望此单元格周围 尚未 被填充的单元格旁边有公式是 =randbetween(11,20)。如果不覆盖所有内容并且只是一组数字,我似乎无法弄清楚如何做到这一点。

这个答案也可以用于非随机使用(例如,如果有人想展示如果 space 中有一把椅子,那么他们知道 table 或垃圾桶等将在它旁边的 space 中)




    Dim k As Single 'Total Move Count
    Dim x As Single 'Starting point of spiral
    Dim bool As Boolean 'Boolean for direction change
    bool = True 'starts boolean as true
    k = 1 'starts count at 1
    x = 0 ' starts position as 0
    Dim i As Single
    i = 1
    Dim j As Single
    j = 1

    Do While x <= 10

        For n = 0 To k
            If bool = True Then
            ActiveCell.Value = "=randbetween(0,100)"
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 'Move Right
            i = i + 1
            ActiveCell.Value = "=randbetween(100,200)"
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select 'Move Left
            i = i - 1
            End If
        Next n

         For n = 0 To k
            If bool = True Then
            ActiveCell.Value = "=randbetween(200,300)"
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'Down
            i = i + 1
            ActiveCell.Value = "=randbetween(300,400)"
            ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select 'Up
            i = i - 1
            End If
         Next n

    k = k + 1
    bool = Not bool
    'MsgBox bool
    x = x + 1
