与 props 同步状态以实现 reactjs 中表单输入的两种方式绑定

sync state with props to achive two way binding for form input in reactjs

我有一个很长的表单(准确地说是 75 个输入),因为我正在使用 redux 来管理我的应用程序状态,所以每当我想编辑这个表单时,我想将表单的 setState 设置为 prop 以允许编辑.


class VisitCard extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    super(props); //props.visit = {name:'randome name', data:'etc..'}
    this.state = Object.assign({},props.visit);
    this.bindInput = this.bindInput.bind(this);
  //BindInput will return props for Inputs, to achive two way binding
    const {name,...props} = config;
    return {
      value   : this.state[name],
      onChange: event => this.setState({[name]:event.target.value}),

  return <div>
   <input {...this.bindInput({name:'name', type:'text'})} />
   <input {...this.bindInput({name:'data', type:'text'})} />


上面的代码工作完美,问题是当这个组件安装时,它给我错误 "Cannot update during an existing state transition"

有时如果道具中没有预定义值,输入的值将是未定义的,所以在道具从服务器加载并更新组件后我得到另一个错误 "trying to change input from uncontrolled to controled" 那是因为 this.state[name] 未定义然后我得到一个值

所以我做错了什么?我如何 link 具有道具值的组件的状态,并确保如果道具改变,状态也会改变,同时,如果状态改变,这不会影响道具。


class VisitCard extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    //set your state to have a key that holds your prop value.
    this.state = { visit: props.visit };
    this.bindInput = this.bindInput.bind(this);

  componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    //if your props is received after the component is mounted, then this function will update the state accordingly.
    if(this.props.visit !== nextProps.visit) {
     this.setState({visit: nextProps.visit});

    const {name,...props} = config;
    // return defaultValue which you get from the props.
    // you can add `value: this.state.visit[name]` to the below object only if you want your input to be controlled, else it can be ignored.
    return {
      defaultValue   : this.props.visit[name],
      onChange: event => this.setState(
            {visit: { ...this.state.visit,

   // render empty if your props has not yet arrived.
  if(!this.props.visit) {
    return (<div />);

  // render after you have values in props
  return (<div>
   <input {...this.bindInput({name:'name', type:'text'})} />
   <input {...this.bindInput({name:'data', type:'text'})} />
