Dynamics CRM 2016 以编程方式创建和鉴定潜在客户 C#

Dynamics CRM 2016 Create and Qualify a Lead Programmatically C#

我正在尝试以编程方式创建一个主要实体,我了解到在 dynamics crm 2016 中不再有针对特殊字段的特殊消息。

因此,我从动态 crm 服务器检索数据并将其插入另一个 crm 服务器,没有使用如下所示的特殊消息:

account["statecode"] = new OptionSetValue(1); //inactive
account["statuscode"] = new OptionSetValue(2); //inactive

问题是 statecode 中的值为“1”的潜在客户记录,这意味着是合格的潜在客户,而 statuscode 的值为“3”,这意味着也是合格的.


3 is not a valid status code for state code LeadState.Open

仅供参考,LeadState.Open 的值为“0”,即使我之前提到的领先状态是“1”。


您应该按照 SDK 中的说明使用 QualifyLeadRequest。与 SetState 不同,此消息未被标记为弃用。合格潜在客户工作流程比设置状态流程更复杂,因为它包括(可选)创建和链接到客户、联系人和机会记录。

这是 SDK 中的一个示例,该示例使用现有的 account.

来限定潜在客户以创建 opportunity
            // Qualify the second lead, creating an opportunity from it, and not
            // creating an account or a contact.  We use an existing account for the
            // opportunity customer instead.
            var qualifyIntoOpportunityReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateOpportunity = true,
                OpportunityCurrencyId = currencyId,
                OpportunityCustomerId = new EntityReference(
                Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified),
                LeadId = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id)

            var qualifyIntoOpportunityRes =
            Console.WriteLine("  The second lead was qualified.");

            foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoOpportunityRes.CreatedEntities)
                NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                if (entity.LogicalName == Opportunity.EntityLogicalName)
                    _opportunityId = entity.Id;
