
Stable state of a Self Organizing Map


您正在使用批量映射算法,希望它具有更稳健的收敛性。您是否参考过 Kohonen 最近的 MATLAB 书?它在“4.2 学习过程的稳定状态”中谈到了这个问题,并在第 5 章中指出了实现收敛的许多方法,例如使用两个训练阶段(粗略和精细)。


"... if the neighborhood function is held constant during the last iterations, whatever its width is, and the same input data are applied iteratively, the ordering process will be stabilized (converge) in a finite number of training cycles. So far we have found no exceptions to this observation." Kohonen, T. K. (2014). MATLAB Implementations and Applications of the Self-Organizing Map. http://docs.unigrafia.fi/publications/kohonen_teuvo/