__syncthreads() 是否可以防止写后读内部扭曲共享内存的危害?

Does anything short of __syncthreads() prevent read-after-write intra-warp shared memory hazards?

我有一个将一些数据写入共享内存的 warp - 没有覆盖,并且在从共享内存读取后不久。虽然我的块中可能还有其他扭曲,但它们不会触及该共享内存的任何部分或写入我感兴趣的扭曲读取的任何地方。

现在,我记得尽管 warp 以锁步方式执行,但我们不能保证共享内存写入之后的共享内存读取将 return warp 早些时候写入的相应值。 (这在理论上可能是由于指令重新排序或者 - 正如@RobertCrovella 指出的那样 - 编译器优化了共享内存访问)

因此,我们需要求助于一些显式同步。显然,块级 __syncthreads() 有效。这就是 does:

__syncthreads() is used to coordinate communication between the threads of the same block. When some threads within a block access the same addresses in shared or global memory, there are potential read-after-write, write-after-read, or write-after-write hazards for some of these memory accesses. These data hazards can be avoided by synchronizing threads in-between these accesses.


另一方面,__threadfence_block() does not seem to suffice。有什么"in-between"那两个等级的实力吗?


如果我对@RobertCrovella 的理解是正确的,这段代码应该是安全的:

/* ... */
volatile MyType* ptr = get_some_shared_mem();
ptr[lane::index()] = foo();
auto other_lane_index = bar(); // returns a value within 0..31
auto other_lane_value = ptr[other_lane_index];
/* ... */

因为使用了volatile。 (并且假设 bar() 不会弄乱自己带来的危险。)