如何在 google 控制台或开发人员 api 中将用户与订单 ID 相关联

How do you associate a user with an order-id in google console or developer api

我刚刚发布了一个应用程序,到目前为止我的购买率低于每月 1 次,因此处理退款请求并为正确的购买退款会很容易。

我担心当费率增加时,我可能无法从一封 "contact the developer" 电子邮件中得知哪个用户请求与订单 ID 相关联,因此无法向正确的帐户退款。

android Google Play 好像没有给order-id 所以用户可以自己帮忙关联,控制台好像也不允许关联邮箱地址。

我收到了来自 google...

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. On the left menu, select Order management. Search full order with order id or email address of user.
  3. Check the boxes next to the orders you'd like to refund. To refund multiple orders at the same time, make sure you select orders placed by the same user.
  4. Select the appropriate refund reason.
  5. Select Submit.

