
How to refresh ListView in ContentPage in xamarin forms periodically

我在内容页面中有一个列表视图,列表视图项目是从 SQLite 中挑选出来的。我想定期刷新页面,以便能够显示 sql 精简版中插入的最新项目。 1. 当我第一次添加该记录的记录状态是 "queued" 在本地数据库中时,将显示列表项目并且该项目的状态将显示为“[EmployeeNo] it is queued After 5 minutes it will be同步”。 2.After 5 分钟,所有本地数据库 [Sqlite] 将与实际的 sql 服务器同步,然后该记录的状态将更新为本地数据库中的 "completed",然后我想要的状态在列表视图中自动显示“[EmployeeNo]已完成”。

使用 ObservableCollection<T> 作为您的 ItemSource - 它会在添加或删除项目时自动更新 UI


        Device.StartTimer (new TimeSpan (0, 0, 10), () => {
            // do something every 10 seconds

            return true; // runs again, or false to stop

public class EmployeeListPage : ContentPage {

    ListView listView;

    public EmployeeListPage()
        Title = "Todo";
        var toolbarItem = new ToolbarItem
            Text = "+",
            Icon = Device.OnPlatform(null, "plus.png", "plus.png")
        toolbarItem.Clicked += async (sender, e) =>
            await Navigation.PushAsync(new EmployeeItemPage
                BindingContext = new Employee()

        listView = new ListView
            Margin = new Thickness(20),
            ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
                var label = new Label
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand
                label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "EmployeeName");

                var labelText = new Label
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand
                label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "EmpStatusDisplayText");

                var tick = new Image
                    Source = ImageSource.FromFile("check.png"),
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
                tick.SetBinding(VisualElement.IsVisibleProperty, "IsActive");

                var stackLayout = new StackLayout
                    Margin = new Thickness(20, 0, 0, 0),
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children = { label, tick }

                return new ViewCell { View = stackLayout };
        listView.ItemSelected += async (sender, e) =>
            EmployeeDatabindingDto dto = (e.SelectedItem as EmployeeDatabindingDto);
            Employee emp = new Employee {EmployeeID=dto.EmployeeID,EmployeeName=dto.EmployeeName,Salary=dto.Salary,IsActive=dto.IsActive };
            Debug.WriteLine("Employee ResumeAt Id = " + emp.EmployeeID);

            await Navigation.PushAsync(new EmployeeItemPage
                BindingContext = emp

        Content = listView;

    protected override async void OnAppearing()
        List<Employee> employees = await App.EmpDatabase.GetItemsAsync();
        List<EmployeeDatabindingDto> listBindingDto = await MapEmpWithEmpBindingDto(employees);
        listView.ItemsSource = listBindingDto;

    public async Task<List<EmployeeDatabindingDto>> MapEmpWithEmpBindingDto(List<Employee> employees)
        List<EmployeeDatabindingDto> bindEmployees = new List<EmployeeDatabindingDto>();

        foreach (var employee in employees)
            string displaysText = "";
            string displayDate = "";

            displayDate = employee.IsActive == false ? employee.Createddate.ToString() : employee.Modifieddate.ToString();
            displaysText = employee.IsActive == false ? string.Format("{0} {1}", "is in queued on", displayDate) : string.Format("{0} {1} ", "is submitted on", displayDate);
            bindEmployees.Add(new EmployeeDatabindingDto
                EmployeeID = employee.EmployeeID
                EmployeeName = employee.EmployeeName
                Salary = employee.Salary
                Createddate = employee.Createddate
                IsActive = employee.IsActive
                EmpStatusDisplayText = string.Format("{0} {1}", employee.EmployeeName, displaysText)
        return bindEmployees;

    private void StartTimer()
        Device.StartTimer(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
            List<Employee> employees = App.EmpDatabase.GetItemsAsync().Result;
            List<EmployeeDatabindingDto> listBindingDto = MapEmpWithEmpBindingDto(employees).Result;
            listView.ItemsSource = listBindingDto;
            return true;

    private async void UpdateUserDataAsync()
        await App.EmpDatabase.UpdateEmpStatusAsync();