在 Unity 中将图层和位掩码与光线投射一起使用

Using Layers and Bitmask with Raycast in Unity

Unity 的 Raycast 函数有一个参数,您可以使用该参数将光线投射到特定的 GameObject。您还可以使用该参数来忽略特定的游戏对象。

例如 Raycast 函数:

public static bool Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance = Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask = DefaultRaycastLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);

layerMask 参数用于指定哪些对象 should/should 不接收光线投射。

1。如何将光线投射到位于名为 "cube" 的层中的 特定 游戏对象?

2。如果场景中有 10 个游戏对象,但您只想将光线投射到 2 怎么办? GameObjects 并忽略其余部分?你是怎么做到的?

假设那些 Object 的图层是 "cube" 和 "sphere"。

3。如果你想光线投射到 all GameObjects 但忽略 1.


假设要忽略的游戏对象在 "cube" 层中。

4。如果你想光线投射到 所有 个游戏对象但忽略 2(多个)游戏对象怎么办。

同样,要忽略的图层是 "cube" 和 "sphere" 图层。

我看到的大多数 Raycast 问题都错误地使用了 Layermask。虽然它对他们有用,但他们通常 运行 当他们真正想要从 Raycast.



1.How do you raycast to a particular GameObject which is in a layer called "cube"?

首先使用LayerMask.NameToLayer("cube")将图层名称转换为图层编号。 LayerMask.NameToLayer 函数 returns -1 如果图层不存在。在进行任何图层按位操作之前,您必须检查此项。


//Convert Layer Name to Layer Number
int cubeLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("cube");

//Check if layer is valid
if (cubeLayerIndex == -1)
    Debug.LogError("Layer Does not exist");
    //Calculate layermask to Raycast to. (Raycast to "cube" layer only)
    int layerMask = (1 << cubeLayerIndex);

    Vector3 fwd = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

    //Raycast with that layer mask
    if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, fwd, 10, layerMask))


上面例子中最重要的部分是int layerMask = (1 << cubeLayerIndex);


2.What if you have 10 GameObjects in the scene but you only want to raycast to just 2 GameObjects and ignore the rest? How do you do that?

Let's say that those Object's layers are "cube" and "sphere".

光线投射到 "cube" 和 "sphere" 层并忽略其余部分:

//Convert Layer Name to Layer Number
int cubeLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("cube");
int sphereLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("sphere");

//Calculate layermask to Raycast to. (Raycast to "cube" && "sphere" layers only)
int layerMask = (1 << cubeLayerIndex) | (1 << sphereLayerIndex);

3.What if you want to raycast to all GameObjects but ignore 1.

Let's say that the GameObject to ignore is in the "cube" layer.

向所有人投射光线,但忽略 "cube" 层:

//Convert Layer Name to Layer Number
int cubeLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("cube");

//Calculate layermask to Raycast to. (Ignore "cube" layer)
int layerMask = (1 << cubeLayerIndex);
//Invert to ignore it
layerMask = ~layerMask;

4.What if you want to raycast to all GameObjects but ignore 2(multiple) GameObjects.

Again, the layers to ignore are the "cube" and "sphere" layers.

对所有人进行光线投射,但忽略 "cube" 和 "sphere" 层:

//Convert Layer Name to Layer Number
int cubeLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("cube");
int sphereLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("sphere");

//Calculate layermask to Raycast to. (Ignore "cube" && "sphere" layers)
int layerMask = ~((1 << cubeLayerIndex) | (1 << sphereLayerIndex));

//Convert Layer Name to Layer Number
int cubeLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("cube");
int sphereLayerIndex = LayerMask.NameToLayer("sphere");

//Calculate layermask to Raycast to. (Ignore "cube" && "sphere" layers)
int layerMask = (1 << cubeLayerIndex);
layerMask |= (1 << sphereLayerIndex);
layerMask |= (1 << otherLayerToIgnore1);
layerMask |= (1 << otherLayerToIgnore2);
layerMask |= (1 << otherLayerToIgnore3);
//Invert to ignore it
layerMask = ~layerMask;

最后,如果知道图层index/number,就没有必要使用LayerMask.NameToLayer功能了。只需在此处插入该图层索引即可。例如,我们将光线投射到索引 #9 中的 "cube" 层。你可以做 int layerMask = (1 << 9);.

请参阅 Layers 手册以了解有关此主题的更多信息。

添加到@Programmer 的综合答案中...

1. How do you raycast to a particular GameObject which is in a layer called "cube"?

如果你想Raycast看看你是否击中了一个特定的对象,调用object .collider.Raycast(...).

object 可以是 GameObject 或您的 MonoBehaviour 派生脚本 (this)。