无法更改 Visual Studio 中 Mac 的更新频道

Cannot Change Update Channel in Visual Studio for Mac

我在几周前为 Mac 预览版安装了 Visual Studio。作为默认更新频道,我的更新频道在 "Stable" 而不是 "Beta" 或 "Alpha"。我可以轻松更改更新频道。 但是现在 "Stable" 和 "Beta" 的选项已经消失了。我不知道那里发生了什么。我的更新频道现在只显示 "Alpha"。我的 Visual Studio for Mac 表现比以前差。

如何恢复"Stable"频道选项?我想回到稳定频道,但仍然不知道该怎么做。 这是我 Mac

的 Visual Studio 的最后一个版本



Please note that the VS for Mac IDE has its own set of updater channels, separate from Xamarin Studio and Xamarin.VS. As of Preview 6 and for all future Preview releases of VS for Mac, only an Alpha channel will appear. That channel provides the latest preview updates as they become available. When VS for Mac moves out of preview status, the available updater channels will be adjusted accordingly. It should be noted that since VS for Mac is still in preview, it is not yet a fully supported product.