c ++ Eigen:样条导数()给出奇怪的导数

c++ Eigen: spline derivatives() gives strange derivatives

我正在尝试了解如何在 Eigen 中使用样条曲线,特别是我想在某个点上找到样条插值及其一阶和二阶导数的值。找到内插值很容易,但是当我尝试计算导数时,我得到了奇怪的值。

我尝试按照手册中 derivatives 命令的说明进行操作 (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/unsupported/classEigen_1_1Spline.html#af3586ab1929959e0161bfe7da40155c6),这是我在代码中的尝试:

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/Splines>

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

double scaling(double x, double min, double max)  // for scaling numbers
    return (x - min)/(max - min);

VectorXd scale(VectorXd xvals)  // for scaling vectors
    const double min = xvals.minCoeff();
    const double max = xvals.maxCoeff();

    for (int k = 0; k < xvals.size(); k++)
        xvals(k) = scaling(xvals(k),min,max);

    return xvals;

int main()
    typedef Spline<double,1,3> spline;

    VectorXd xvals = (VectorXd(4) << 0,1,2,4).finished();
    VectorXd yvals = xvals.array().square();  // x^2

    spline testspline = SplineFitting<spline>::Interpolate(yvals.transpose(), 3,

    cout << "derivative at x = 0: " << testspline.derivatives(0.00,2) << endl;
    cout << "derivative at x = 1: " << testspline.derivatives(0.25,2) << endl;
    cout << "derivative at x = 2: " << testspline.derivatives(0.50,2) << endl;
    cout << "derivative at x = 3: " << testspline.derivatives(0.75,2) << endl;
    cout << "derivative at x = 4: " << testspline.derivatives(1.00,2) << endl;


derivative at x = 0:  0  0 32
derivative at x = 1:  1  8 32
derivative at x = 2:  4 16 32
derivative at x = 3:  9 24 32
derivative at x = 4: 16 32 32

也就是插值是正确的(c.f.x = 3),但是导数不正确,而且是系统性的偏离,所以我在想我做错了什么.由于这些遵循 x^2,导数应为 0,2,4,6,8,二阶导数应为 2.


编辑 1

x^2 更改为 x^2 + 1 会产生相同的导数,因此至少可以检查出来。但是将 x^2 更改为 x^3 是错误的,但错误的方式略有不同,输出将是:

derivative at x = 2:  8 48  192
derivative at x = 3: 27 108 288
derivative at x = 4: 64 192 384

错了,应该是6, 9, 12

还有运行 x^2 的情况,但是将输入向量更改为 0,1,...9 会产生与使用原始输入向量相同的导数,但二阶导数变为稳定的 200,这也是错误的。我不明白为什么二阶导数应该取决于输入点的数量。

编辑:参见工作 .h-file 计算底部任意订单的 B-splines。

免责声明:这不是我的问题的答案,因为它实际上已在标题中说明,而是 work-around 和一些评论。

经过与用户@Paul H. 的商议(见评论),我意识到我对样条曲线的有限理解可能对我造成了一些困惑。在对 Eigen 文档进行一些审查之后, derivative() 命令确实按预期工作似乎是合理的,因此使我的问题措辞不当。 derivative() 计算 样条曲线 的导数,而不是像我预期的那样计算拟合 函数 的导数。我还没有想出一种方法让 Eigen 从拟合中输出函数导数,我认为它不是为此而设计的。然而,一旦使用一些计算导数的标准算法获得拟合点,当然可以很容易地计算导数。


请注意,此程序使用样条的 1 索引而不是 0 索引,因此对于例如二次 B-spline order 应设置为 4。这是一个小问题,可以通过更改计算以匹配 wikipedia.



// Header-file for calculating splines using standard libraries
//          usage:
//          x bsplines class constructs a set of splines up to some given order,
//            on some given knot sequence, the splines are stored in a vector,
//            such that splines[a][b] accesses the spline of order a and index b
//          x get<some_member>() is an accessor that returns a pointer to some 
//            data member of the spline
//          x calcsplines() calculates spline values as well as first and second 
//            order derivatives on some predefined grid
//          x calcspline() returns the spline value as well as first and second
//            derivatives in some point. This alborithm is slower than the grid
//            one, due to unnecessary recalculations of intermediate results
//          x writesplines() writes the splines and their derivatives to a file
//          x for more details se the class declaration below

//          TODO:
//          x change to 0-indexation
//          x introduce the possibility of calculating higher order  derivatives 
//            recursively
//          change log:
//          1.0     - initial release
//          1.1     - reworked grid such that the class now expects separate
//                  grid and knot files.
//                  - added the ability to calculate spline value in a point
//                  rather than calculate values on a grid
//                  - added a feature to change knots and grid
//          1.1.1   - reworked how returning single values works
//          1.1.2   - enabled swapping grid
// Note:
// This file uses 1-indexation rathar than 0-indexation, hence a qubic spline
// would be k = 4. Someone should eventually fix this as this is non-standard.
// Also, while only standard libraries are used here, you might want to check out
// some linear algebra package (e.g. Armadillo or Eigen) if you're going to use the
// splines in a context where you need linear algebraic operations.
// Originally developed by David Andersson

#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>    
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;
typedef unsigned int uint;

class bsplines                              // class for bsplines
    // private section
    uint order;                             // order of spline
    uint gridpts;                           // number of grid points
    uint knotpts;                           // number of knot points
    double tolerance;                       // tolerance for float comparisons

    vector<double> knots;                   // knot sequence
    vector<double> grid;                    // grid points
    class spline                            // a member spline in the set of splines
        int index;                          // the spline index, or number
        vector<double> vals;                // spline values
        vector<double> d1;                  // spline first derivatives
        vector<double> d2;                  // spline second derivatives
        double tval;                        // same, but in one point
        double td1;
        double td2;
        friend bsplines;                    // for ease of access

    vector<vector <spline>> splines;        // the set of splines

    // puclic section

    void readknots(string);                 // read knots from file
    void readknotsnorm(string);             // read knots from file and normalize
    void readgrid(string);                  // read grid from file
    void swapgrid(string);                  // reads and swaps new grid from file 
    void writesplines();                    // write spline vals and derivs to file
    void buildsplines();                    // build the set of splines
    void calcsplines();                     // calculate spline vals and derivs
    void printknots();                      // print knot sequence
    void printgrid();                       // print grid
    void printgridsize();                   // print gridsize
    void printvals(uint,uint);              // print values of a spline
    vector <double> calcspline(uint,uint,double); // calculate spline in point
    // accessors                            // returns pointer to member
    vector <double>* getknots(){return &knots;}
    vector <double>* getgrid(){return &grid;}
    uint* getknotpts(){return &knotpts;}
    uint* getgridpts(){return &gridpts;}
    uint getnosplines(uint m){return splines[m].size();}    
    vector <spline>* getsplines(uint m){return &splines[m];}
    vector <double>* getvals(uint m, uint n){return &splines[m][n].vals;}
    vector <double>* getd1(uint m, uint n){return &splines[m][n].d1;}
    vector <double>* getd2(uint m, uint n){return &splines[m][n].d2;}

    // constructor                          // sets up the spline class
    bsplines (string iknots, string igrid, uint iorder, double itol)
        :order(iorder), tolerance(itol)

void bsplines::buildsplines()
    for (uint l = 1; l <= order; l++)
        vector <spline> splinevec;
            for (uint k = 0; k < knotpts - l; k++)
                spline tmp;
                tmp.index = k;

vector <double> bsplines::calcspline(uint m, uint n, double x)
    // first order splines                  // exceptions handles infinities
    for (auto& sp : splines[0])
        uint i = sp.index;
        if (x > knots[i+1])
            sp.tval = 0;
        else if ((x >= knots[i] && x < knots[i+1]) || x == knots.back())
            sp.tval = 1;
            sp.tval = 0;
    // higher order splines
    for (uint o = 1; o < order; o++)
        uint oo = o+1;                      // compensating for 1-indexation
        for (auto& sp : splines[o])
            uint i = sp.index;
            double t1 = knots[i+oo-1] - knots[i];
            double t2 = knots[i+oo] - knots[i+1];
            double c = 0;
            if (abs(t1) > tolerance)
                c += (x - knots[i]) / t1 * splines[o-1][i].tval;
            if (abs(t2) > tolerance)
                c += (knots[i+oo] - x) / t2 * splines[o-1][i+1].tval;

            sp.tval = c;
    uint o = order - 1; 
    // first order derivatives
    for (auto& sp : splines[o])
        uint i = sp.index;
        double t1 = knots[i+order-1] - knots[i];
        double t2 = knots[i+order] - knots[i+1];
        double c = 0;
        if (abs(t1) > tolerance)
            c += 1.0 / t1 * splines[o-1][i].tval;
        if (abs(t2) > tolerance)
            c -= 1.0 / t2 * splines[o-1][i+1].tval;
        c *= (order-1);

        sp.td1 = c;
    // second order derivatives
    for (auto& sp : splines[o])
        uint i = sp.index;
        double t1 = (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+0]) * (knots[i+order-2] - knots[i+0]);
        double t2 = (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+0]) * (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+1]);
        double t3 = (knots[i+order-0] - knots[i+1]) * (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+1]);
        double t4 = (knots[i+order-0] - knots[i+1]) * (knots[i+order-0] - knots[i+2]);
            double c = 0;
        if (abs(t1) > tolerance)
            c += 1.0 / t1 * splines[o-2][sp.index].tval;
        if (abs(t2) > tolerance)
            c -= 1.0 / t2 * splines[o-2][sp.index+1].tval;
        if (abs(t3) > tolerance)
            c -= 1.0 / t3 * splines[o-2][sp.index+1].tval;
        if (abs(t4) > tolerance)
            c += 1.0 / t4 * splines[o-2][sp.index+2].tval;
        c *= (order-1)*(order-2);

        sp.td2 = c;

    vector <double> retvals = {splines[m][n].tval, splines[m][n].td1, splines[m][n].td2};

    return retvals;

void bsplines::calcsplines()
    // first order splines
    for (auto& sp : splines[0])
        uint i = sp.index;
        for (auto& x : grid)
            if (x > knots[i+1])
            else if ((x >= knots[i] && x < knots[i+1]) || x == knots.back())
    // higher order splines
    for (uint o = 1; o < order; o++)
        uint oo = o+1;      // compensating for 1-indexation
        for (auto& sp : splines[o])
            uint i = sp.index;
            double t1 = knots[i+oo-1] - knots[i];
            double t2 = knots[i+oo] - knots[i+1];
            for (auto& x : grid)
                uint k = &x - &grid[0];
                double c = 0;
                if (abs(t1) > tolerance)
                    c += (x - knots[i]) / t1 * splines[o-1][i].vals[k];
                if (abs(t2) > tolerance)
                    c += (knots[i+oo] - x) / t2 * splines[o-1][i+1].vals[k];

    uint o = order - 1;     // use this one when accessing splines;
    // first order derivatives
    for (auto& sp : splines[o])
        uint i = sp.index;
        double t1 = knots[i+order-1] - knots[i];
        double t2 = knots[i+order] - knots[i+1];
        for (auto& x : grid)
            uint k = &x - &grid[0];
            double c = 0;
            if (abs(t1) > tolerance)
                c += 1.0 / t1 * splines[o-1][i].vals[k];
            if (abs(t2) > tolerance)
                c -= 1.0 / t2 * splines[o-1][i+1].vals[k];
            c *= (order-1);

    // second order derivatives
    for (auto& sp : splines[o])
        uint i = sp.index;
        double t1 = (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+0]) * (knots[i+order-2] - knots[i+0]);
        double t2 = (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+0]) * (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+1]);
        double t3 = (knots[i+order-0] - knots[i+1]) * (knots[i+order-1] - knots[i+1]);
        double t4 = (knots[i+order-0] - knots[i+1]) * (knots[i+order-0] - knots[i+2]);
        for (auto& x : grid)
            uint k = &x - &grid[0];
            double c = 0;
            if (abs(t1) > tolerance)
                c += 1.0 / t1 * splines[o-2][sp.index].vals[k];
            if (abs(t2) > tolerance)
                c -= 1.0 / t2 * splines[o-2][sp.index+1].vals[k];
            if (abs(t3) > tolerance)
                c -= 1.0 / t3 * splines[o-2][sp.index+1].vals[k];
            if (abs(t4) > tolerance)
                c += 1.0 / t4 * splines[o-2][sp.index+2].vals[k];
            c *= (order-1)*(order-2);


void bsplines::readknots(string knotfile)
    double x;

    ifstream readknots(knotfile);
    while (readknots >> x)
    for (uint k = 0; k < order - 1; k++)

    knotpts = knots.size();

void bsplines::readknotsnorm(string knotfile)
    double x;
    knots.reserve(knotpts + 2*(order - 1));

    ifstream readknots(knotfile);
    while (readknots >> x)
    auto minmax = minmax_element(begin(knots), end(knots));
    double min = *(minmax.first);
    double max = *(minmax.second);

    for (auto& el : knots)
        el = (el - min) / (max-min);

void bsplines::readgrid(string gridfile)
    double x;

    ifstream readgrid(gridfile);
    while (readgrid >> x)
    gridpts = grid.size();

void bsplines::swapgrid(string gridfile)
    grid = {};
    double x;

    ifstream readgrid(gridfile);
    while (readgrid >> x)
    gridpts = grid.size();

void bsplines::printknots()
    cout << "content in knot vector: " << endl;
    for (auto& el : knots)
        cout << el << " ";
    cout << endl;

void bsplines::printgrid()
    cout << "content in grid vector: " << endl;
    for (auto& el : grid)
        cout << el << " ";
    cout << endl;

void bsplines::printgridsize()
    cout << "number of grid points: " << endl << grid.size() << endl; 

void bsplines::printvals(uint m, uint n)
    cout << "content in spline (B" << m  << "," <<  n <<  ") vals vector: " << endl;
    for (auto& el : splines[n][m].vals)
        cout << el << " ";
    cout << endl;

void bsplines::writesplines()
    for (uint o = 0; o < order; o++)
        for (auto& sp : splines[o])
            uint i = sp.index;
            ostringstream namestream;

            namestream << "B(" << fixed << setprecision(1) << i << "," 
                               << fixed << setprecision(1) << o << ").csv";
            string filename = namestream.str();
            ofstream fs;

            if (o < order - 1)
                for (uint k = 0; k < sp.vals.size(); k++)
                    fs << sp.vals[k] << "," << 0 << "," << 0 << endl;
                for (uint k = 0; k < sp.vals.size(); k++)
                    fs << sp.vals[k] << "," << sp.d1[k] << "," << sp.d2[k] << endl;

            cout << "write " << sp.vals.size() << " numbers to " << filename << endl;


解决了。你们非常亲密。您所要做的就是扩展衍生品 与

  • 1 / (x_max - x_min)(一阶导数)
  • 1 / (x_max - x_min)^2(二阶导数)。

TLDR:您在拟合样条曲线时将 x 值归一化为介于 0 和 1 之间,但没有缩放 y 值。

您实际拟合的不是样条拟合 x^2,而是:

x_norm = (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
y = x_norm**2

因此使用链式法则 y = x_norm**2 的一阶导数为 2x / (x_max - x_min),二阶导数为 2 / (x_max - x_min)**2.


#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/Splines>

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

VectorXd normalize(const VectorXd &x) {
  VectorXd x_norm;

  const double min = x.minCoeff();
  const double max = x.maxCoeff();
  for (int k = 0; k < x.size(); k++) {
    x_norm(k) = (x(k) - min)/(max - min);

  return x_norm;

int main() {
  typedef Spline<double, 1, 3> Spline1D;
  typedef SplineFitting<Spline1D> Spline1DFitting;

  const Vector4d x{0, 1, 2, 4};
  const Vector4d y = (x.array().square());  // x^2

  const auto knots = normalize(x);  // Normalize x to be between 0 and 1
  const double scale = 1 / (x.maxCoeff() -  x.minCoeff());
  const double scale_sq = scale * scale;
  Spline1D spline = Spline1DFitting::Interpolate(y.transpose(), 3, knots);

  cout << "1st deriv at x = 0: " << spline.derivatives(0.00, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
  cout << "1st deriv at x = 1: " << spline.derivatives(0.25, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
  cout << "1st deriv at x = 2: " << spline.derivatives(0.50, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
  cout << "1st deriv at x = 3: " << spline.derivatives(0.75, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
  cout << "1st deriv at x = 4: " << spline.derivatives(1.00, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
  cout << endl;

   * IMPORTANT NOTE: Eigen's spline module is not documented well. Once you fit a spline
   * to find the derivative of the fitted spline at any point u [0, 1] you call:
   *     spline.derivatives(u, 1)(1)
   *                        ^  ^  ^
   *                        |  |  |
   *                        |  |  +------- Access the result
   *                        |  +---------- Derivative order
   *                        +------------- Parameter u [0, 1]
   * The last bit `(1)` is if the spline is 1D. And value of `1` for the first
   * order. `2` for the second order. Do not forget to scale the result.
   * For higher dimensions, treat the return as a matrix and grab the 1st or
   * 2nd column for the first and second derivative.

  cout << "2nd deriv at x = 0: " << spline.derivatives(0.00, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
  cout << "2nd deriv at x = 1: " << spline.derivatives(0.25, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
  cout << "2nd deriv at x = 2: " << spline.derivatives(0.50, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
  cout << "2nd deriv at x = 3: " << spline.derivatives(0.75, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
  cout << "2nd deriv at x = 4: " << spline.derivatives(1.00, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;

  return 0;


1st deriv at x = 0: 4.52754e-16
1st deriv at x = 1: 2
1st deriv at x = 2: 4
1st deriv at x = 3: 6
1st deriv at x = 4: 8

2nd deriv at x = 0: 2
2nd deriv at x = 1: 2
2nd deriv at x = 2: 2
2nd deriv at x = 3: 2
2nd deriv at x = 4: 2