coproduct 与 sum 类型相同吗?

Is coproduct the same as sum types?

我在看 this lecture from Bartosz Milewski 他在解释余积和求和类型。



基本上是的。副产品原则上更通用,但这不一定 就 Haskell 而言,你一定很关心。

余积不是求和类型的类别示例category of vector spaces,箭头为线性映射。在此类别中,不相交和类型没有多大意义,因为它们会给你两个不同的零向量元素。

相反,product 类型(在线性代数中称为 direct sums,但在实现方面它们是元组,而不是替代项)是一个此类别的副产品:

type LFun v w = v -> w

initial :: VectorSpace w => LFun () w
initial () = zeroV

(+++) :: VectorSpace w => LFun u w -> LFun v w -> LFun (u,v) w
(f+++g) (u,v) = f u ^+^ g v

(此类别的标准产品是主题相似的 SubHask 库中的 tensor product. Though it's possible to ignore this and use ordinary tuples as the product type, i.e. the actual coproducts. I think this has to do with the fact that any Hilbert space is isomorphic to its dual space. In my constrained-categories/linearmap-category library, the products are tuples, whereas Mike Izbicki has not done this。)参见 Derek Elkins ' 评论。
