去偏斜 MNIST 图像
Deskew MNIST images
我在 https://fsix.github.io/mnist/Deskewing.html 上找到了如何对 MNIST 数据集的图像进行校正。它似乎工作。我的问题是,在校正之前,每个像素的值都在 0 到 1 之间。但是在校正图像之后,值不再介于 0 和 1 之间。它们可以是负数,也可以大于 1。如何解决这个问题?
def moments(image):
c0,c1 = np.mgrid[:image.shape[0],:image.shape[1]] # A trick in numPy to create a mesh grid
totalImage = np.sum(image) #sum of pixels
m0 = np.sum(c0*image)/totalImage #mu_x
m1 = np.sum(c1*image)/totalImage #mu_y
m00 = np.sum((c0-m0)**2*image)/totalImage #var(x)
m11 = np.sum((c1-m1)**2*image)/totalImage #var(y)
m01 = np.sum((c0-m0)*(c1-m1)*image)/totalImage #covariance(x,y)
mu_vector = np.array([m0,m1]) # Notice that these are \mu_x, \mu_y respectively
covariance_matrix = np.array([[m00,m01],[m01,m11]]) # Do you see a similarity between the covariance matrix
return mu_vector, covariance_matrix
def deskew(image):
c,v = moments(image)
alpha = v[0,1]/v[0,0]
affine = np.array([[1,0],[alpha,1]])
ocenter = np.array(image.shape)/2.0
offset = c-np.dot(affine,ocenter)
return interpolation.affine_transform(image,affine,offset=offset)
您可以在倾斜处理后将图像归一化到 0 到 1 之间的范围。
img = deskew(img)
img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
要将其合并到 deskew
def deskew(image):
c,v = moments(image)
alpha = v[0,1]/v[0,0]
affine = np.array([[1,0],[alpha,1]])
ocenter = np.array(image.shape)/2.0
offset = c-np.dot(affine,ocenter)
img = interpolation.affine_transform(image,affine,offset=offset)
return (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
我在 https://fsix.github.io/mnist/Deskewing.html 上找到了如何对 MNIST 数据集的图像进行校正。它似乎工作。我的问题是,在校正之前,每个像素的值都在 0 到 1 之间。但是在校正图像之后,值不再介于 0 和 1 之间。它们可以是负数,也可以大于 1。如何解决这个问题?
def moments(image):
c0,c1 = np.mgrid[:image.shape[0],:image.shape[1]] # A trick in numPy to create a mesh grid
totalImage = np.sum(image) #sum of pixels
m0 = np.sum(c0*image)/totalImage #mu_x
m1 = np.sum(c1*image)/totalImage #mu_y
m00 = np.sum((c0-m0)**2*image)/totalImage #var(x)
m11 = np.sum((c1-m1)**2*image)/totalImage #var(y)
m01 = np.sum((c0-m0)*(c1-m1)*image)/totalImage #covariance(x,y)
mu_vector = np.array([m0,m1]) # Notice that these are \mu_x, \mu_y respectively
covariance_matrix = np.array([[m00,m01],[m01,m11]]) # Do you see a similarity between the covariance matrix
return mu_vector, covariance_matrix
def deskew(image):
c,v = moments(image)
alpha = v[0,1]/v[0,0]
affine = np.array([[1,0],[alpha,1]])
ocenter = np.array(image.shape)/2.0
offset = c-np.dot(affine,ocenter)
return interpolation.affine_transform(image,affine,offset=offset)
您可以在倾斜处理后将图像归一化到 0 到 1 之间的范围。
img = deskew(img)
img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
要将其合并到 deskew
def deskew(image):
c,v = moments(image)
alpha = v[0,1]/v[0,0]
affine = np.array([[1,0],[alpha,1]])
ocenter = np.array(image.shape)/2.0
offset = c-np.dot(affine,ocenter)
img = interpolation.affine_transform(image,affine,offset=offset)
return (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())