Making a multidimensional list of vectors
我对 Python 很陌生,所以请多多包涵。我正在编写一个程序来计算一些物理量,我们称它为 A。A 是几个变量的函数,我们称它们为 x、y、z。所以我有三个嵌套循环来计算我感兴趣的 x、y、z 值的 A。
for x in xs:
for y in ys:
for z in zs:
A[x, y, z] = function_calculating_value(x,y,z)
现在,问题是 A[x,y,z] 是包含均值和方差的二维数组,因此 A[x,y,z] = [均值,方差]。在其他语言中,我习惯于使用类似于 np.zeros() 的函数来初始化 A。我该怎么做?什么是实现我想要的最简单方法,以及如何轻松访问给定 (x,y,z) 的均值和方差?
您可以使用 numpy 创建和操作多维数组
# Generate a random 4d array that has nx = 3, ny = 3, and nz = 3, with each 3D point having 2 values
mdarray = np.random.random( size = (3,3,3,2) )
# The overall shape of the 4d array
array([[[[ 0.80091246, 0.28476668],
[ 0.94264747, 0.27247111],
[ 0.64503087, 0.13722768]],
[[ 0.21371798, 0.41006764],
[ 0.79783723, 0.02537987],
[ 0.80658387, 0.43464532]],
[[ 0.04566927, 0.74836831],
[ 0.8280196 , 0.90288647],
[ 0.59271082, 0.65910184]]],
[[[ 0.82533798, 0.29075978],
[ 0.76496127, 0.1308289 ],
[ 0.22767752, 0.01865939]],
[[ 0.76849458, 0.7934015 ],
[ 0.93313128, 0.88436557],
[ 0.06897508, 0.00307739]],
[[ 0.15975812, 0.00792386],
[ 0.40292818, 0.21209199],
[ 0.48805502, 0.71974702]]],
[[[ 0.66522525, 0.49797465],
[ 0.29369336, 0.68743839],
[ 0.46411967, 0.69547356]],
[[ 0.50339875, 0.66423777],
[ 0.80520751, 0.88115054],
[ 0.08296022, 0.69467829]],
[[ 0.76572574, 0.45332754],
[ 0.87982243, 0.15773385],
[ 0.5762041 , 0.91268172]]]])
# Both values for this specific sample at x = 0, y = 1 and z = 2
Out[67]: array([ 0.80658387, 0.43464532])
mdarray[0,1,2,0] # mean only at the same point
Out[68]: 0.8065838666297338
mdarray[0,1,2,1] # variance only at the same point
Out[69]: 0.43464532443865489
mean = mdarray[:,:,:,0]
variance = mdarray[:,:,:,1]
array([[[ 0.80091246, 0.94264747, 0.64503087],
[ 0.21371798, 0.79783723, 0.80658387],
[ 0.04566927, 0.8280196 , 0.59271082]],
[[ 0.82533798, 0.76496127, 0.22767752],
[ 0.76849458, 0.93313128, 0.06897508],
[ 0.15975812, 0.40292818, 0.48805502]],
[[ 0.66522525, 0.29369336, 0.46411967],
[ 0.50339875, 0.80520751, 0.08296022],
[ 0.76572574, 0.87982243, 0.5762041 ]]])
我对 Python 很陌生,所以请多多包涵。我正在编写一个程序来计算一些物理量,我们称它为 A。A 是几个变量的函数,我们称它们为 x、y、z。所以我有三个嵌套循环来计算我感兴趣的 x、y、z 值的 A。
for x in xs:
for y in ys:
for z in zs:
A[x, y, z] = function_calculating_value(x,y,z)
现在,问题是 A[x,y,z] 是包含均值和方差的二维数组,因此 A[x,y,z] = [均值,方差]。在其他语言中,我习惯于使用类似于 np.zeros() 的函数来初始化 A。我该怎么做?什么是实现我想要的最简单方法,以及如何轻松访问给定 (x,y,z) 的均值和方差?
您可以使用 numpy 创建和操作多维数组
# Generate a random 4d array that has nx = 3, ny = 3, and nz = 3, with each 3D point having 2 values
mdarray = np.random.random( size = (3,3,3,2) )
# The overall shape of the 4d array
array([[[[ 0.80091246, 0.28476668],
[ 0.94264747, 0.27247111],
[ 0.64503087, 0.13722768]],
[[ 0.21371798, 0.41006764],
[ 0.79783723, 0.02537987],
[ 0.80658387, 0.43464532]],
[[ 0.04566927, 0.74836831],
[ 0.8280196 , 0.90288647],
[ 0.59271082, 0.65910184]]],
[[[ 0.82533798, 0.29075978],
[ 0.76496127, 0.1308289 ],
[ 0.22767752, 0.01865939]],
[[ 0.76849458, 0.7934015 ],
[ 0.93313128, 0.88436557],
[ 0.06897508, 0.00307739]],
[[ 0.15975812, 0.00792386],
[ 0.40292818, 0.21209199],
[ 0.48805502, 0.71974702]]],
[[[ 0.66522525, 0.49797465],
[ 0.29369336, 0.68743839],
[ 0.46411967, 0.69547356]],
[[ 0.50339875, 0.66423777],
[ 0.80520751, 0.88115054],
[ 0.08296022, 0.69467829]],
[[ 0.76572574, 0.45332754],
[ 0.87982243, 0.15773385],
[ 0.5762041 , 0.91268172]]]])
# Both values for this specific sample at x = 0, y = 1 and z = 2
Out[67]: array([ 0.80658387, 0.43464532])
mdarray[0,1,2,0] # mean only at the same point
Out[68]: 0.8065838666297338
mdarray[0,1,2,1] # variance only at the same point
Out[69]: 0.43464532443865489
mean = mdarray[:,:,:,0]
variance = mdarray[:,:,:,1]
array([[[ 0.80091246, 0.94264747, 0.64503087],
[ 0.21371798, 0.79783723, 0.80658387],
[ 0.04566927, 0.8280196 , 0.59271082]],
[[ 0.82533798, 0.76496127, 0.22767752],
[ 0.76849458, 0.93313128, 0.06897508],
[ 0.15975812, 0.40292818, 0.48805502]],
[[ 0.66522525, 0.29369336, 0.46411967],
[ 0.50339875, 0.80520751, 0.08296022],
[ 0.76572574, 0.87982243, 0.5762041 ]]])