如何将 Java 计时器实时关联到毫秒,并相应地更新时间变量?

How can I relate the Java Timer to milliseconds in real time, and update a time variable accordingly?

我一直在做一些关于射弹运动的代码。我启动了一个计时器 t 并为其使用了构造函数 10,每个动作事件我将 0.01 添加到初始化为 0.00 的时间变量中,以模拟时间过去。使用这次我计算 height/distance 等。我无法弄清楚 2 个问题:

1) 将当前时间打印到控制台时,它会一直转到许多小数位,运行 代码。 2) 本来不该长高的,还是会长长的,我感觉是加速度的正负关系。

(我的面板是 1920x1080,面板动画占用 80 像素 - 这就是为什么它是 1000-50)(1000 半径)


来自回复: 1) 忘记将 vy 乘以 t。 2) 使用 DecimalFormat 来 t运行 计算值

感谢@G_H; @砖块​​; @汤姆; @Diginoise 代码:

package projectV1;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class Animate extends JPanel implements ActionListener {

double x = 0;
double time = 0.00;
String timeText2 = "0";
double y = 1000;
double velY = 0.0;
double velX = 0.0;
public static Timer t;

public Animate() { // Constructor

public void start(String acceleration, String initialVelocity, String angle){

    new Ball(acceleration, angle, initialVelocity);

    t = new Timer(10, this);


 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


 public void move(){ // HOlds the repaint method
        x = x + Ball.getVelX();
        Simulation.distanceText.setText(Double.toString(Ball.getDistance(time))); // Some of these are just checks for me in the gui
        y = y- Ball.getVelY(time);


 public void updateTime(){
     time= time + 0.01;

     System.out.println(Double.toString(time));  // Using this as a test to check the time output.
     timeText2 = Double.toString(time);

public void paintComponent(Graphics gg){
    gg.drawRect(0, 0, 1920, 1000);
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;

     Ellipse2D.Double shape = new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y-50.0, 50, 50);

    // g.fillOval(x, y-50, 50, 50);



public Ball(String acceleration, String angle, String initialVelocity ) {

    Ball.acceleration = acceleration;
    Ball.initialVelocity = initialVelocity;
    Ball.angle = angle;

public static double getVelX(){ //  This stays constant throughout the program
    double velX = 0.0;
    int u = Integer.parseInt(initialVelocity);
    double ang = Double.parseDouble(angle);
    velX = u*(Math.cos(ang));
    return velX;


public static double getVelY(double time ){

    double velY = 0.0 ;
    double ang, acc = 0;
    int u = 0;
    ang = Double.parseDouble(angle);
    acc = Double.parseDouble(acceleration);
    u = Integer.parseInt(initialVelocity);

    velY = u*(Math.sin(ang))- (acc*time);
    return velY;

public static double getDistance(double time){
    double distance = 0;
    double ang = 0;
    int u = 0;
    ang = Double.parseDouble(angle);

    u = Integer.parseInt(initialVelocity);
    distance = (u*time)*(Math.cos(ang));

    return distance;

public static double predictedTime(){
    double ptime = 0;
    double ang = 0;
    ang = Double.parseDouble(angle);
    int u = Integer.parseInt(initialVelocity);
    ptime = ((u*u)*(Math.sin(ang)*Math.sin(ang))/(2*9.81));

    return ptime;

public static double getHeight(double time ){
    double height;
    double ang, acc;
    int u = 0;
    ang = Double.parseDouble(angle);
    acc = Double.parseDouble(acceleration);
    u = Integer.parseInt(initialVelocity);
    height = u*(Math.sin(ang))-(0.5*acc*(time*time));

    return height;


1) When printing the current time into the console it keeps going to many decimal places, run code.

这是由于小数的二进制表示。假设我们尝试用十进制表示 1/3,您会得到 0.333333... 扩展是无限的,没有有限表示。 0.01 (1/100) 有有限的十进制表示,但不是二进制。所以如果你写 double d = 0.01;,就知道内部二进制表示是一个近似值,而不是精确值。您需要将输出截断为具有特定小数位数的某个值。查看 class DecimalFormat 以特定格式输出值。

2) Height will keep increasing even though it shouldn't, I feel as if it is due to the positive and negative of acceleration.

检查这部分:velY = u*(Math.sin(ang))- (acc*time);

u 是一个常量。 sin(ang)也是。 acc*time只会增加。所以 velY 将线性变化是有道理的。您发布了这个:

它表示 Sy = Vy*t - 0.5*g*t²,然后是 Vy = u*sin(ang)。等式的扩展中缺少时间分量。应该是这样的:velY = (u*(Math.sin(ang))- (acc*time)) * time; 或者(理论上是一样的)velY = u*(Math.sin(ang))*time - (acc*time*time); 注意 acc 必须是 1/2 g。如果您提供 g 作为加速度,则需要根据 formula for vertical displacement.

acc*time*time 乘以 0.5

最后要注意的是,你把各种字段变成了class Ball 的静态字段,然后在构造函数中分配它们。最好不要那样做。使 Ball 的字段 accelerationinitialVelocityangle instance 字段(它们可以是最终的,因为它们不会改变)并使方法非-静态的。这将允许您模拟多个球,例如,因为它们的值对它们保持本地状态,而不是共享 class 状态。