从 .Dtsx 文件中自动检索版本号

Automate Version number Retrieval from .Dtsx files

有没有办法或查询可以找到 SSIS 包(*.dtsx 文件)的版本号?

我的 Team Foundation Server 中有我想知道的 *.dtsx 个文件。

手动方法是用鼠标右键单击软件包并单击 Compare 以查看 VersionBuild 但是有成千上万的软件包,因此手动操作确实不可能


如果您使用项目部署解决方案(如果您的服务器中有 SSISDB),则可以使用此查询:

FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[packages];


获取 dtsx 包中的值

  • 如果您尝试阅读此包中的包版本,您可以访问其中一个 SSIS system variables

    Variable        Type    Description
    VersionBuild    Int32   The package version.
    VersionComment  String  Comments about the package version.
    VersionGUID     String  The unique identifier of the version.
    VersionMajor    Int32   The major version of the package.
    VersionMinor    Int32   The minor version of the package.
  • 如果您正在寻找包 SQL 服务器版本,您可以在 dtsx 文件中找到它,如果您将它打开为文本(或 xml)并搜索PackageFormatVersion 属性,详细信息在下面link中提供:

从存储在 Sql 服务器中的 .dtsx 文件获取值

您可以关注这些 link:


从未存储在 Sql 服务器中的 .dtsx 文件获取值

要自动阅读 PackageFormatVersion,您可以使用 XMLParserRegex 以编程方式阅读它。我在 Vb.net 中编写了一个代码,它使用 Regex 并循环遍历目录中的 .dtsx 文件,并获取 PackageFormatVersion 属性 和 dtsx 文件头中的其他属性:

  • 包文件名
  • PackageFormatVersion
  • 创建日期
  • 创作名称
  • CreatorComputerName
  • 创作者姓名
  • 执行table类型
  • LastModifiedProductVersion
  • 地区ID
  • 对象名称
  • 包裹类型
  • 版本构建
  • 版本GUID

首先,我创建了一个名为 PackageInfo 的 Class,其中包含上面列出的属性

Public Class PackageInfo

    Public Property PackageFileName As String
    Public Property PackageFormatVersion As String
    Public Property CreationDate As String
    Public Property CreationName As String
    Public Property CreatorComputerName As String
    Public Property CreatorName As String
    Public Property DTSID As String
    Public Property ExecutableType As String
    Public Property LastModifiedProductVersion As String
    Public Property LocaleID As String
    Public Property ObjectName As String
    Public Property PackageType As String
    Public Property VersionBuild As String
    Public Property VersionGUID As String

End Class

使用 RegEx

Private Sub ReadPackagesInfo(ByVal strDirectory As String)


        For Each strFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(strDirectory, "*.dtsx", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)

            Dim strContent As String = ""

            Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(strFile)

                strContent = sr.ReadToEnd

            End Using

            Dim strPackageFormatVersion As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=""PackageFormatVersion"">)(.*)(?=</DTS:Property>)", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strCreationDate As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreationDate="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strCreationName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreationName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strCreatorComputerName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreatorComputerName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strCreatorName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreatorName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strDTSID As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:DTSID="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strExecutableType As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:ExecutableType="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strLastModifiedProductVersion As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:LastModifiedProductVersion="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strLocaleID As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:LocaleID="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strObjectName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:ObjectName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strPackageType As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:PackageType="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strVersionBuild As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:VersionBuild="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
            Dim strVersionGUID As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:VersionGUID="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value

            m_lst.Add(New PackageInfo With {.PackageFileName = strFile,
                      .PackageFormatVersion = strPackageFormatVersion,
                      .CreationDate = strCreationDate,
                      .CreationName = strCreationName,
                      .CreatorComputerName = strCreatorComputerName,
                      .CreatorName = strCreatorName,
                      .DTSID = strDTSID,
                      .ExecutableType = strExecutableType,
                      .LastModifiedProductVersion = strLastModifiedProductVersion,
                      .LocaleID = strLocaleID,
                      .ObjectName = strObjectName,
                      .PackageType = strPackageType,
                      .VersionBuild = strVersionBuild,
                     .VersionGUID = strVersionGUID})


End Sub


Dim strA As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=""PackageFormatVersion"">)(.*)(?=</DTS:Property>)", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value

使用 Xml 解析器

    Private Sub ReadPackagesInfoUsingXmlParser(ByVal strDirectory As String)


        For Each strFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(strDirectory, "*.dtsx", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)

            Dim strPackageFormatVersion As String = ""
            Dim strCreationDate As String = ""
            Dim strCreationName As String = ""
            Dim strCreatorComputerName As String = ""
            Dim strCreatorName As String = ""
            Dim strDTSID As String = ""
            Dim strExecutableType As String = ""
            Dim strLastModifiedProductVersion As String = ""
            Dim strLocaleID As String = ""
            Dim strObjectName As String = ""
            Dim strPackageType As String = ""
            Dim strVersionBuild As String = ""
            Dim strVersionGUID As String = ""

            Dim xml = XDocument.Load(strFile)

            Dim ns As XNamespace = "www.microsoft.com/SqlServer/Dts"
            Dim man As XmlNamespaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(New NameTable())
            man.AddNamespace("DTS", "www.microsoft.com/SqlServer/Dts")

            If Not xml.Root Is Nothing AndAlso
                Not xml.Root.Descendants(ns + "Property").Attributes(ns + "Name") Is Nothing AndAlso
                     xml.Root.Descendants(ns + "Property").Attributes(ns + "Name").Where(Function(x) x.Value = "PackageFormatVersion").Count > 0 Then

                strPackageFormatVersion = xml.Root.Descendants(ns + "Property").Attributes(ns + "Name").Where(Function(x) x.Value = "PackageFormatVersion").FirstOrDefault.Parent.Value

                strCreationDate = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationDate").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationDate").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strCreationName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strCreatorComputerName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorComputerName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorComputerName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strCreatorName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strDTSID = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "DTSID").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "DTSID").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strExecutableType = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ExecutableType").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ExecutableType").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strLastModifiedProductVersion = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LastModifiedProductVersion").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LastModifiedProductVersion").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strLocaleID = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LocaleID").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LocaleID").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strObjectName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ObjectName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ObjectName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strPackageType = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "PackageType").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "PackageType").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strVersionBuild = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionBuild").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionBuild").FirstOrDefault.Value)
                strVersionGUID = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionGUID").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionGUID").FirstOrDefault.Value)
            End If

            m_lst.Add(New PackageInfo With {.PackageFileName = strFile,
                      .PackageFormatVersion = strPackageFormatVersion,
                      .CreationDate = strCreationDate,
                      .CreationName = strCreationName,
                      .CreatorComputerName = strCreatorComputerName,
                      .CreatorName = strCreatorName,
                      .DTSID = strDTSID,
                      .ExecutableType = strExecutableType,
                      .LastModifiedProductVersion = strLastModifiedProductVersion,
                      .LocaleID = strLocaleID,
                      .ObjectName = strObjectName,
                      .PackageType = strPackageType,
                      .VersionBuild = strVersionBuild,
                     .VersionGUID = strVersionGUID})


    End Sub



我还为这个演示应用程序创建了一个新的 Git-repository



从 .dtsx 文件获取值

您可以在 DBA.StackExchange 阅读我的回答:

PackageFormatVersion Table

这是 PackageFormatVersion table 值

SQL Version Build # PackageFormatVersion    Visual Studio Version
2005        9       2                       2005
2008        10      3                       2008
2008 R2     10.5    3                       2008
2012        11      6                       2010 or BI 2012
2014        12      8                       2012 CTP2 or 2013
2016        13      8                       2015

.ispac 文件实际上是 zip 文件,每个 .dtsx 是包含所有必需信息的 XML 文件。另外要回答朋友发来的,XML本身就拥有你想要的所有信息。
