mysql left join 汇总两个表

mysql left join sum two tables with rollup

i stack at mysql syntax 我有一个 table 收入值

title_id | revenue | cost
1 | 10 | 5
2   10  5
3   10  5
4   10  5
1   20  6
2   20  6
3   20  6
4   20  6

然后我有 table 价值

title_id | interest
1 | 10
2   10
3   10
4   10
1   20
2   20
3   20
4   20

我想使用左连接来连接这两个 table 并汇总值,如下所示:

SELECT R.title_id, 
FROM   (SELECT title_id, 
           Sum(revenue) revenue, 
           Sum(cost)    cost 
    FROM   revenue 
    GROUP  BY revenue.title_id with rollup) r 
   LEFT JOIN (SELECT title_id, 
                     Sum(interest) interest 
              FROM   fund 
              GROUP  BY title_id with rollup) f 
          ON r.title_id = F.title_id;


title_id | revenue | cost | interest
1   30  11  30
2   30  11  30
3   30  11  30
4   30  11  30
Total  120  44  null


title_id | revenue | cost | interest
1   30  11  30
2   30  11  30
3   30  11  30
4   30  11  30
Total  120  44  120

这可能吗? 先谢谢了



select a.title_id,  sum(revenue), sum(cost),sum(interest) from
(select a.title_id,  sum(revenue) as revenue, sum(cost) as cost from
(select  1 title_id, 10 revenue , 5 cost UNION all
select 2,   10,  5 UNION all
select 3,   10,  5 UNION all
select 4,   10,  5 UNION all
select 1,   20,  6 UNION all
select 2,   20,  6 UNION all
select 3,   20,  6 UNION all
select 4,   20,  6) as a
GROUP BY title_id) as a

left JOIN

(select title_id, sum(interest) as interest from
(select 1 as title_id, 10 as interest UNION all
select 2,   10 UNION all
select 3,  10 UNION all
select 4,   10 UNION all
select 1,  20 UNION all
select 2,  20 UNION all
select 3, 20 UNION all
select 4,  20) as b
GROUP BY title_id ) as b
on a.title_id = b.title_id 
GROUP BY a.title_id


1   30  11  30
2   30  11  30
3   30  11  30
4   30  11  30
    120 44  120


select a.title_id,  sum(revenue), sum(cost),sum(interest) from
(select a.title_id,  sum(revenue) as revenue, sum(cost) as cost from
(select * from revenue) as a
GROUP BY title_id) as a

left JOIN

(select title_id, sum(interest) as interest from
(select * from fund) as b
GROUP BY title_id ) as b
on a.title_id = b.title_id 
GROUP BY a.title_id