VHDL-"Net pwr is constantly driven"

VHDL - "Net pwr is constantly driven"

我正在尝试学习 VHDL,作为练习,我正在尝试构建一个使用 RS-232 样式信号(8N1 格式)的非常简单的串行端口。

这是小项目中两个 vhdl 文件的代码...


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library MACHXO2;
use MACHXO2.components.all;

entity Glue is
        tx : out std_logic := '1' --idle high
end entity Glue;

architecture behavioural of Glue is
    SIGNAL clk  : STD_LOGIC;
    signal divider : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);

--internal oscillator
            NOM_FREQ: string
            STDBY    : IN  STD_LOGIC;
            OSC      : OUT STD_LOGIC;
            SEDSTDBY : OUT STD_LOGIC);
--internal oscillator
   OSCInst0: OSCH
      GENERIC MAP (NOM_FREQ  => "3.69")
      PORT MAP (STDBY => '0', OSC => clk, SEDSTDBY => OPEN);

    ser : entity SerialTX
    port map (baud_clk => divider(5),
            byte_to_transmit => "00101001",
            transmit_now => divider(16),
            busy => OPEN,
            serial_out => tx);

    clocker : process (clk)
        IF(clk'event and clk='1') then
            divider <= divider + 1;
        END IF;
    end process clocker;

end architecture behavioural;

SerialTX.vhd...(由 glue.vhd 调用)

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity SerialTX is
    port (
        baud_clk         : in  std_logic;
        byte_to_transmit : in  std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0); --the byte that we want to transmit
        transmit_now     : in  std_logic;                    --a rising edge causes the byte to be sent out
        busy             : out std_logic;                    --wait for this to go low before transmiting more data
        serial_out       : out std_logic                     --the RS232 serial signal
end SerialTX;

architecture behavioural of SerialTX is
    signal bit_buf : unsigned(9 downto 0); --(STOP bit) & (8 data bits) & (START bit)
    signal internal_busy : std_logic := '0';
    busy <= internal_busy;  

    initialise_transmit : process(transmit_now, internal_busy) is
        if(transmit_now'event and (transmit_now = '1')) then
            if((internal_busy = '0')) then
                internal_busy <= '1'; --causes the "transmit_bits" process below to begin shifting out bits
                bit_buf <= unsigned('1' & byte_to_transmit & '0'); --latch in the byte to our internal copy
            end if;
        end if;
    end process initialise_transmit;    

    transmit_bits : process(internal_busy, baud_clk) is
        variable bit_counter : integer range 0 to 10 := 0;
        if(baud_clk'event and (baud_clk = '1')) then
            if(internal_busy = '1') then
                serial_out <= bit_buf(0);
                bit_buf <= bit_buf srl 1;
                bit_counter := bit_counter + 1;

                if(bit_counter = 10) then
                    internal_busy <= '0'; --finished sending
                    bit_counter := 0;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;            -- ------------------------------ERROR HERE
    end process transmit_bits;
end behavioural;

使用该模块的 VHDL 代码为其提供了一个波特率时钟、要发送的 8 位数据和一个表示传输应该开始的上升沿。

为了测试这一点,我将在 "tx" 引脚上连接一个逻辑分析仪,以查看串行信号的输出。我已将字节硬编码为字母 'A' (000101001),因此我可以证明基本概念有效。

问题... 工具链 (Lattice Diamond 3.9) 无法按原样综合此设计,很明显我在对象结构上犯了错误。


运行 "Lattice Synthesis Engine" 过程的输出如下...

Analyzing Verilog file C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/userware/NT/SYNTHESIS_HEADERS/machxo2.v. VERI-1482
Compile design.
Compile Design Begin
INFO - The default VHDL library search path is now "C:/Users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/Documents/Lattice/impl1". VHDL-1504
Analyzing VHDL file c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/serialtx.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/serialtx.vhd(5): analyzing entity serialtx. VHDL-1012
INFO - c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/serialtx.vhd(15): analyzing architecture behavioural. VHDL-1010
unit Glue is not yet analyzed. VHDL-1485
Analyzing VHDL file c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/glue.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/glue.vhd(8): analyzing entity glue. VHDL-1012
INFO - c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/glue.vhd(14): analyzing architecture behavioural. VHDL-1010
unit Glue is not yet analyzed. VHDL-1485
WARNING - Net pwr has following drivers :
unit Glue is not yet analyzed. VHDL-1485
c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/glue.vhd(8): executing Glue(behavioural)

WARNING - c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/glue.vhd(12): replacing existing netlist Glue(behavioural). VHDL-1205
Top module name (VHDL): Glue
Last elaborated design is Glue(behavioural)
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...
Loading device for application map from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.42.
Top-level module name = Glue.
WARNING - Initial value found on net tx will be ignored due to unrecognized driver type
WARNING - Net pwr has following drivers :
     instance i2

     instance internal_busy_28

ERROR - c:/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX/documents/lattice/serialtx.vhd(45): net pwr is constantly driven from multiple places at instance internal_busy_28, on port q. VDB-1000
Done: error code 2

"net pwr is constantly driven from multiple places" 第 45 行(由代码清单中的注释 "ERROR HERE" 指示)。

我不明白这里出了什么问题,在我没有经验的眼里,internal_busy 信号看起来很低,直到它在上升沿后被驱动为高电平在 transmit_now.


错误消息不是很有帮助,但查看您的 SerialTx.vhd 文件,您已经从两个不同的进程驱动了信号 internal_busy。信号只能在一个过程中驱动,以使设计符合综合要求。

我看到的另一个错误是:tx : out std_logic := '1' --idle high。这并不像您认为的那样。您可以在其驱动程序所在的位置为信号设置初始值,但在层次结构中的其他点设置这样的值不会执行任何操作。如果您需要信号在特定状态下空闲,则必须编写代码,使信号在空闲时处于该状态。

也最好将baud_clk'event and (baud_clk = '1')等时钟检测条件换成rising_edge(baud_clk)