Postgresql OVER 和 GROUP

Postgresql OVER and GROUP


我有一个 table(里面有很多东西,但不相关)看起来像:

id user
0 1
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 1
7 1


user start end
1 0 2
2 3 5
1 6 7

基本上,我需要用户的第一次和最后一次出现,同时不打乱顺序。 我知道我需要使用 OVER (PARTITION BY ...),但我从未使用过它,也不确定如何构建此查询。 如果 i "partition by user",它会忽略顺序。如果我 "partition by id, user" 它再次 returns 错误。

我尝试过的例子(甚至没有尝试得到我需要的东西,但它是一个中点,告诉我一旦我弄清楚 "over" 部分如何去做):

SELECT user, count(user) over (partition by user):
user count
1 5
1 5
1 5
2 3
2 3
2 3
1 5
1 5

SELECT user, count(user) over (partition by id, user):
user count
1 1
1 1
1 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
1 1
1 1

开始,结束 id,使用:

SELECT user, min(id) over (partition by user) "start", max(id) over (partition by user) "end"
from table_name;

更新 我的回答是基于错误的谓词,所以错误。为了提供正确的一个而不是重复的@vkp 一个,我做了这个可怕的构造:

create table so74 as
select * from (values (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2), (6, 1), (7, 1)) t(id, u); 

with d as (
    with c as (
        with b as (
                , case when lag(u) over (order by id) <> u or id = min(id) over() then id end min
                , case when lead(u) over (order by id) <> u or id=max(id) over () then id end max 
            from so74
        select  u, min,max 
        from b 
        where coalesce(min,max) is not null
    select u,min,lead(max) over () max  
    from c
select * 
from d 
where coalesce(min,max) is not null

 u | min | max
 1 |   0 |   2
 2 |   3 |   5
 1 |   6 |   7
(3 rows)

Time: 0.456 ms

使用不同的行号方法将具有相同用户的连续行归为一组,并在遇到新用户时重新开始一个新组。此后,使用 group by 获取每个组的开始和结束。

FROM (SELECT user,id, row_number() over(order by id) 
                     - row_number() over (partition by user order by id) as grp
      FROM tablename
      ) T