使用 dygraphs 绘制预测预测

Plotting `forecast` prediction using `dygraphs`

我想使用 dygraphs 绘制 forecast 包时间序列模型的预测。 documentation 建议使用以下方法进行实际预测:

hw <- HoltWinters(ldeaths)
p <- predict(hw, n.ahead = 36, prediction.interval = TRUE)
all <- cbind(ldeaths, p)

dygraph(all, "Deaths from Lung Disease (UK)") %>%
  dySeries("ldeaths", label = "Actual") %>%
  dySeries(c("p.lwr", "p.fit", "p.upr"), label = "Predicted")


绘制对象 all 的有趣之处在于它的 class:

> class(all) [1] "mts" "ts" "matrix"

> is.mts(all)
[1] TRUE
> is.ts(all)
[1] TRUE
> is.matrix(all)
[1] TRUE

str 提供了关于对象 all:

> str(all)
 Time-Series [1:108, 1:4] from 1974 to 1983: 3035 2552 2704 2554 2014 ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : NULL
  ..$ : chr [1:4] "ldeaths" "p.fit" "p.upr" "p.lwr"


> tail(all)
         ldeaths     p.fit    p.upr     p.lwr
Jul 1982      NA 1128.3744 1656.127  600.6217
Aug 1982      NA  948.6089 1478.090  419.1282
Sep 1982      NA  960.1201 1491.429  428.8112
Oct 1982      NA 1326.5626 1859.802  793.3235
Nov 1982      NA 1479.0320 2014.306  943.7583
Dec 1982      NA 1929.8349 2467.249 1392.4206
> dim(all)
[1] 108   4
> is.array(all)
[1] TRUE

我无法使用 forecast


使用我的 forecast 模型 unemp.mod 我创建了预测:

> f <- forecast(unemp.mod)
> f
         Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95    Hi 95
Apr 2017       4.528274 4.287324 4.769224 4.159773 4.896775
May 2017       4.515263 4.174337 4.856189 3.993861 5.036664
Jun 2017       4.493887 4.055472 4.932303 3.823389 5.164386
Jul 2017       4.479992 3.936385 5.023599 3.648617 5.311367
Aug 2017       4.463073 3.807275 5.118871 3.460116 5.466030


> class(f)
[1] "forecast"
> str(f)
List of 10 <truncated>

如果我尝试像示例中那样使用基础 R 的 predict 生成预测,我也会得到一个列表对象:

> predict(unemp.mod, n.ahead = 5, prediction.interval = TRUE)
          Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug
2017 4.528274 4.515263 4.493887 4.479992 4.463073

           Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug
2017 0.1880140 0.2660260 0.3420974 0.4241788 0.5117221

有没有人对如何根据 forecast 模型预测使用 dygraphs 创建正确的绘图对象有任何建议?

?dygraphs::dygraph 中,data 参数必须是

Either time series data or numeric data. For time series, this must be an xts object or an object which is convertible to xts. For numeric data, this must be a named list or data frame, where the first element/column provides x-axis values and all subsequent elements/columns provide one or more series of y-values.

因此,您需要使用 summary 从预测 class 中提取数据。将其转换为 xts class 然后使用 dygraph.

f <- forecast(ldeaths)

#use summary to get the model fit by forecast package
df <- summary(f)

#convert into a Time-Series class
dfTs <- xts(df, as.Date(paste("01", rownames(df)), "%d %b %Y"))


在进一步调查由 forecast(model) 生成的列表后,我注意到实际值和点预测作为 ts 对象给出,上限和下限与 [= 的数组格式相同14=] HoltWinters 示例。我创建了一个函数来创建绘制假设 forecast_obj <- forecast(model).

gen_array <- function(forecast_obj){

  actuals <- forecast_obj$x
  lower <- forecast_obj$lower[,2]
  upper <- forecast_obj$upper[,2]
  point_forecast <- forecast_obj$mean

  cbind(actuals, lower, upper, point_forecast)

请注意,下限和上限是二维数组。由于 dygraphs 不支持超过一个预测区间,我只选择一对(95%)。


dygraph(ts_array, main = graph_title) %>% 
      dyRangeSelector() %>% 
      dyRangeSelector(height = 40,
                      dateWindow = c("2011-04-01", "2019-4-01")) %>%
      dySeries(name = "actuals", label = "actual") %>%
      dySeries(c("lower","point_forecast","upper"), label = "Predicted") %>%
      dyLegend(show = "always", hideOnMouseOut = FALSE) %>%
      dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 5,
                  highlightSeriesOpts = list(strokeWidth = 2)) %>%
      dyOptions(axisLineColor = "navy", gridLineColor = "grey")
