信息 C5012:由于原因“1007”,循环未并行化

info C5012: loop not parallelized due to reason ‘1007’

我正在 x86_64 上试用 Visual Studio 2013 的自动矢量化器模式,我对以下内容感到有些惊讶。考虑天真的代码:

static void rescale( double * __restrict out, unsigned short * __restrict in, size_t n, const double intercept, const double slope )
    for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
        out[i] = slope * in[i] + intercept;

Visual Studio returns 它在这样天真的例子中失败了:

--- Analyzing function: rescale
c:\users\malat\autovec\vec.c(18) : info C5012: loop not parallelized due to reason '1007'


cl vec.c /O2 /Qpar /Qpar-report:2




The loop induction variable or the loop bounds are not signed 32-bit numbers (int or long). Resolve this by changing the type of the induction variable.



static void rescale( double * __restrict out, unsigned short * __restrict in, size_t n, const double intercept, const double slope )
  const long first = (long)n;
  const long secnd = n > LONG_MAX ? n - LONG_MAX : 0;
  for( long i = 0; i < first; ++i )
    out[i] = slope * in[i] + intercept;
  for( long i = 0; i < secnd; ++i )
    out[LONG_MAX+i] = slope * in[LONG_MAX+i] + intercept;

在上述情况下 Visual Studio 现在报告:

--- Analyzing function: rescale
c:\users\malat\autovec\vec.c(21) : info C5012: loop not parallelized due to reason '1000'
c:\users\malat\autovec\vec.c(23) : info C5012: loop not parallelized due to reason '1000'


The compiler detected a data dependency in the loop body.


我应该如何重写我的初始代码才能满足 Visual Studio 2013 的自动矢量化器模式?

SSE2 及其前身 SSE 都没有将 uint16_t-s 转换为 double-s 的正确指令。
