Allure Framework:无法在 TestNG 和 Maven 已经启用 AspectJ 的情况下使用 @Step 、@Parameter 和 @Attachments 注释
Allure Framework: unable to use @Step , @Parameter and @Attachments annotation with TestNG and Maven already AspectJ enabled
我正在尝试使用 @Step 、@Parameter 和 @Attachments 参数,但它们没有显示在报告中,@Title 和 @Feature 工作正常。
我的 pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Smoke Test Suite for NewLook</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<test name="RegisterNewUser Test; locale: EUR">
<parameter name="locale" value="EUR" />
<class name="project.RegisterNewUser" />
</test> <!-- Test -->
<test name="RegisterNewUser Test; locale: GBP">
<parameter name="locale" value="GBP" />
<class name="project.RegisterNewUser" />
</test> <!-- Test -->
@Features("Register User")
public class RegisterNewUser 扩展 OpenAndCloseBrowser {
String baseURL;
String locale;
HomePage hp;
CLPPage clp;
CartPage cp;
ActionDriver ad;
HomePageElements hpe;
List<WebElement> we;
List<String> str_lst;
String str;
JavascriptExecutor jse;
boolean flag;
String locale_text;
Actions act;
PLPPage plp;
PDPPage pdp;
PickAPathPage pap;
List<String> prop;
@Parameter("Sign in successful: ")
private String flg2;
byte[] flg;
boolean flag1;
public void init(String locale) {
//this.baseURL = baseURL;
this.locale = locale;
ad = new ActionDriver(wd);
prop = ad.loadProperties(locale);
this.baseURL = prop.get(1);
//this.CnCThreshold = CnCThreshold;
hp = new HomePage(wd);
clp = new CLPPage(wd);
hpe = new HomePageElements();
plp = new PLPPage(wd);
pdp = new PDPPage(wd);
cp = new CartPage(wd);
pap = new PickAPathPage(wd);
act = new Actions(wd);
wd.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
flg2 = "";
* FluentWait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(wd)
* .withTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .pollingEvery(100,
* TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
@Attachment("Sign in successful: ")
public byte[] signInStatus(){
return (flag1 + "").getBytes();
@Parameter("Test Parameter")
private String test;
@Title("Register user steps")
@Test(priority = 1)
public void test_SF_188to193() {
// HomePage Verification using value omniture variable "s.pageName"
flag1 = hp.registerUser();
flg = signInStatus();
flg2 = flag1 + "";
test = " Passed";
Assert.assertTrue(flag1, "Unable to register User");
我已经彻底搜索过,包括 Allure 官方网站上的文档,但我无法找到解决方法。
当您 运行 直接使用 IDE 进行测试时,不会应用 pom.xml
中的 AspectJ 配置。因此,您需要将其指定为您的构建配置作为额外的 VM 选项。
我正在尝试使用 @Step 、@Parameter 和 @Attachments 参数,但它们没有显示在报告中,@Title 和 @Feature 工作正常。 我的 pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Smoke Test Suite for NewLook</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<test name="RegisterNewUser Test; locale: EUR">
<parameter name="locale" value="EUR" />
<class name="project.RegisterNewUser" />
</test> <!-- Test -->
<test name="RegisterNewUser Test; locale: GBP">
<parameter name="locale" value="GBP" />
<class name="project.RegisterNewUser" />
</test> <!-- Test -->
@Features("Register User")
public class RegisterNewUser 扩展 OpenAndCloseBrowser {
String baseURL;
String locale;
HomePage hp;
CLPPage clp;
CartPage cp;
ActionDriver ad;
HomePageElements hpe;
List<WebElement> we;
List<String> str_lst;
String str;
JavascriptExecutor jse;
boolean flag;
String locale_text;
Actions act;
PLPPage plp;
PDPPage pdp;
PickAPathPage pap;
List<String> prop;
@Parameter("Sign in successful: ")
private String flg2;
byte[] flg;
boolean flag1;
public void init(String locale) {
//this.baseURL = baseURL;
this.locale = locale;
ad = new ActionDriver(wd);
prop = ad.loadProperties(locale);
this.baseURL = prop.get(1);
//this.CnCThreshold = CnCThreshold;
hp = new HomePage(wd);
clp = new CLPPage(wd);
hpe = new HomePageElements();
plp = new PLPPage(wd);
pdp = new PDPPage(wd);
cp = new CartPage(wd);
pap = new PickAPathPage(wd);
act = new Actions(wd);
wd.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
flg2 = "";
* FluentWait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(wd)
* .withTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .pollingEvery(100,
* TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
@Attachment("Sign in successful: ")
public byte[] signInStatus(){
return (flag1 + "").getBytes();
@Parameter("Test Parameter")
private String test;
@Title("Register user steps")
@Test(priority = 1)
public void test_SF_188to193() {
// HomePage Verification using value omniture variable "s.pageName"
flag1 = hp.registerUser();
flg = signInStatus();
flg2 = flag1 + "";
test = " Passed";
Assert.assertTrue(flag1, "Unable to register User");
我已经彻底搜索过,包括 Allure 官方网站上的文档,但我无法找到解决方法。
当您 运行 直接使用 IDE 进行测试时,不会应用 pom.xml
中的 AspectJ 配置。因此,您需要将其指定为您的构建配置作为额外的 VM 选项。