Cargo 项目中的哪些文件应该在我的 .gitignore 中?

What files in a Cargo project should be in my .gitignore?

我使用 cargo new 创建了一个 "hello world" Rust 应用程序。当我执行 git status 时,它显示了一堆文件:

A  rust/welcomec/Cargo.lock
A  rust/welcomec/Cargo.toml
A  rust/welcomec/src/
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/.cargo-lock
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/.fingerprint/welcomec-2d68725c8fae6fd1/bin-welcome-2d68725c8fae6fd1
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/.fingerprint/welcomec-2d68725c8fae6fd1/bin-welcome-2d68725c8fae6fd1.json
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/.fingerprint/welcomec-2d68725c8fae6fd1/dep-bin-welcome-2d68725c8fae6fd1
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/deps/welcome-2d68725c8fae6fd1
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/welcome
A  rust/welcomec/target/debug/welcome.d

我可以安全地忽略这些文件中的任何一个 and/or 目录吗?


.gitignore 图书馆箱

# Generated files

# The library shouldn't decide about the exact versions of 
# its dependencies, but let the downstream crate decide.

.gitignore 用于可执行文件箱

# Generated files


您的 .gitignore 中需要一个或两个条目,具体取决于您构建的 crate 类型。 target/ 文件夹可以完全忽略,无论 crate 类型如何;它只包含生成的文件(例如编译工件)。

Cargo.lock 文件应该包含在存储库中 如果 您正在编写可执行文件,如果您正在编写库,则应该忽略该文件。您可以阅读有关此内容的更多信息 in the FAQ。引用最重要的部分:

The purpose of a Cargo.lock is to describe the state of the world at the time of a successful build. [...]

This property is most desirable from applications and projects which are at the very end of the dependency chain (binaries). As a result, it is recommended that all binaries check in their Cargo.lock.

For libraries the situation is somewhat different. [...] If a library ends up being used transitively by several dependencies, it’s likely that just a single copy of the library is desired (based on semver compatibility). If all libraries were to check in their Cargo.lock, then multiple copies of the library would be used, and perhaps even a version conflict.

另请注意,cargo newcargo init会在项目中自动生成一个.gitignore文件,除非参数--vcs none通过了。

您可以从 GitHub's gitignore for Rust 中获得一些灵感。在撰写本文时,文件如下:

# Generated by Cargo
# will have compiled files and executables

# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries
# More information here

# These are backup files generated by rustfmt

# MSVC Windows builds of rustc generate these, which store debugging information