
Import Error after installing pyotherside

我尝试从 ubuntu 存储库(软件包 qml-module-io-thp-pyothersidepyotherside)以及 git repo.[=15= 安装 pyotherside ]

但是在 Python3 中导入它时,我不断得到 ImportError: No module named 'pyotherside'

有人知道为什么吗?我应该找到安装 pyotherside 的路径是什么?

OS: Ubuntu 16.04.2

PyOtherSide 是一个使用 QML 中的 python 代码的库,反之亦然,在您的项目中,您必须有 qml 文件和 python 文件。要运行程序你必须执行qml,例如:

{your directory}
├── imageprovider.py
└── imageprovider.qml


import pyotherside
import math

def render(image_id, requested_size):
    print('image_id: "{image_id}", size: {requested_size}'.format(**locals()))

    # width and height will be -1 if not set in QML
    if requested_size == (-1, -1):
        requested_size = (300, 300)

    width, height = requested_size

    # center for circle
    cx, cy = width/2, 10

    pixels = []
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
                255, # alpha
                int(10 + 10 * ((x - y * 0.5) % 20)), # red
                20 + 10 * (y % 20), # green
                int(255 * abs(math.sin(0.3*math.sqrt((cx-x)**2 + (cy-y)**2)))) # blue
    return bytearray(pixels), (width, height), pyotherside.format_argb32



import QtQuick 2.0
import io.thp.pyotherside 1.5

Image {
    id: image
    width: 300
    height: 300

    Python {
        Component.onCompleted: {
            // Add the directory of this .qml file to the search path

            importModule('imageprovider', function () {
                image.source = 'image://python/image-id-passed-from-qml';

        onError: console.log('Python error: ' + traceback)


qmlscene {your directory}/imageprovider.qml