如何在某些功能后正确重置 angularjs v1 工厂

How to properly reset angularjs v1 factory after certain function

我创建了一个工厂,将信息保存在我范围内的一系列 6 页中。现在,当用户完成第 6 页并推送对象时,我希望工厂再次重置为空数组。

我已经尝试了很多超时和应用元素,也尝试了很多组合来将数组设置为空(null""{})。但是当我再次加载页面时它仍然加载旧信息(第 1/6 页)。


$scope.send = function(){
    if(ArrayInfo.Checkmark == true){
        firebase.database().ref('lorem/' + ArrayInfo.Ordernumber).set({
          info: ArrayInfo,
          Dates: Dates,
          gasmeter: gasmeter,
          gasmeter1: gasmeter1  
          firebase.database().ref('lorem2/' + ArrayInfo.currentYear).set({
            last_number: ArrayInfo.Ordervalue
          //ArrayInfo = {};
            ArrayInfo = "";
            $scope.info = "";
          }, 50);

      //close newrental
          if (window.confirm('Information saved! You are ready to leave this screen? no changes possible after this point'))
            //disable back button in home 
              disableBack: true
            //go home
          //error close newrental
             alert("Take your time");
        }, 50);

    //error send array
    else {
      alert("Please accept the terms and conditions.");


mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  ArrayInfo = {};
  placeholders = {
    "licenseone" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "licensetwo" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "licensethree" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "licensefour" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "imageone" : "img/front.png",
    "imagetwo" : "img/sideleft.png",
    "imagethree" : "img/back.png",
    "imagefour" : "img/sideright.png",
    "imagefive" : "img/roof.png",
    "imagesix" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "imageseven" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "imageeight" : "img/placeholder.png"
  gasmeter = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  gasmeter1 = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  ArrayInfo.returned = false;
  RawDate = {};
  Dates = {};


  return ArrayInfo;
  return gasmeter;
  return gasmeter1;
  return placeholders;
  return RawDate;
  return Dates;


$scope.info = infoFactory;
$scope.Dates = Dates;
$scope.RawDate = RawDate;
$scope.gasmeter = gasmeter;
$scope.gasmeter1 = gasmeter1;


首先,当您在代码中放入 return 时,之后再包含其他代码是没有用的,因为它永远不会 运行。您需要 return 一个 Object 来代替。

mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  ArrayInfo = {};
  placeholders = {
    "licenseone" : "img/placeholder.png",
     // Rest of the images
  gasmeter = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  gasmeter1 = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  ArrayInfo.returned = false;
  RawDate = {};
  Dates = {};


  return { 
    ArrayInfo: ArrayInfo, 
    gasmeter: gasmeter, 
    gasmeter1: gasmeter1, 
    placeholders: placeholders, 
    RawDate: RawDate, 
    Dates: Dates 

现在您可以将 infoFactory 注入控制器并像这样使用它:infoFactory.RawDate.


mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  // Save a reference to the current pointer of the factory, so you won't loose it inside other scopes  
  var self = this;

  self.params = {
       ArrayInfo: {},
       placeholders: {},
       gasmeter: {},
       gasmeter1: {},
       ArrayInfo: false,
       RawDate: {},
       Dates: {}

  self.reset = function() {
     self.params.ArrayInfo = {};

     self.params.placeholders.licenseone = "img/placeholder.png";

     self.params.gasmeter.url = "img/gas/gas1.png";
     self.params.gasmeter.gasvalue = "1";

     self.params.gasmeter1.url = "img/gas/gas1.png";
     self.params.gasmeter1.gasvalue = "1";

     self.params.ArrayInfo.returned = false;

     self.params.RawDate = {};

     self.params.Dates = {};
  self.reset(); // Call this function by default in order to initially set the factory properties 

  return { 
    reset: self.reset, // You can export the reset function and use it outside the factory too
    ArrayInfo: self.params.ArrayInfo, 
    gasmeter: self.params.gasmeter, 
    gasmeter1: self.params.gasmeter1, 
    placeholders: self.params.placeholders, 
    RawDate: self.params.RawDate, 
    Dates: self.params.Dates 

现在当你有重置功能时,你可以像这样在工厂外使用它:infoFactory.reset()只要你想将数据重置为初始状态。我在工厂内部创建了一个基础对象 (this.params = { .. }) 并在其中保存了所有详细信息属性,在 reset 函数中我更新了这些属性 而没有 破坏原始参考文献 (Working example).


mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  var self = this;

  self.params = {
     returned: false,

  return {
     setReturned: function(val) { self.params.returned = val === true; },
     returned: function() { return self.params.returned; }

上面的例子将隐藏实际的params.returned不让工厂外的用户看到,只允许它设置returned flag 通过辅助函数,即 infoFactory.setReturned( true );infoFactory.setReturned( false );,在 setReturned 函数中,您可以实现复杂的逻辑来验证发送到函数的值。请注意,infoFactory.setReturned( 'invalid value!!!' ); 会将 returned 标志设置为 false,因为我正在使用 strict === operator - val === true.


然后,要从工厂获取值,您可以调用 infoFactory.returned() 函数 - 通过使用函数,您可以阻止外部访问工厂的属性。

作为旁注 - 不要使用 setTimeout(function(){ ... }); 使用 $timeout and $interval 然后你就不需要 $scope.$apply(); + $scope.$digest(); 来手动 运行 一个摘要循环,因为它由 Angularjs 为您处理