Bot creation failed with error: Not Found

Bot creation failed with error: Not Found

我从备份中恢复了服务器 运行 OSX 服务器,现在在尝试通过 Xcode.




system.log 有一些来自 xcscontrol 的消息。

Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local xcscontrol[4164]: Xcode version: 6.2 (6C131e) (OS X SDK 13F26, iOS SDK 12D508)
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local xcscontrol[4164]: Server version: 4.0.3 (14S350)
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local xcscontrol[4164]: OS X version: 10.10.2 (14C1514)
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local nsurlstoraged[205]: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/xcscontrol
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local nsurlstoraged[205]: The read-connection to the DB=/var/root/Library/Caches/xcscontrol/Cache.db is NOT valid.  Unable to determine schema version.
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local nsurlstoraged[205]: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/xcscontrol
Mar 25 13:13:04 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local nsurlstoraged[205]: ERROR: unable to determine file-system usage for FS-backed cache at /var/root/Library/Caches/xcscontrol/fsCachedData. Errno=13
Mar 25 13:13:04 onato.local thermald[28]: invalid attribute or value, default to yes

我最终重置了 xcscontrol 并重新设置了 Xcode。

sudo xcrun xcscontrol --reset


当我收到该错误时,我必须从 Xcode 中删除服务器,然后重新添加它