如何通过执行另一个 class 中的操作来更改一个 class 中的图形颜色?

How can I change the color of my Graphics in one class by preforming an action from another class?

我是 java 的新手并且很绝望,所以我们开始吧! 当我单击菜单中的某个选项时,我试图更改 GUI 内容的颜色,但我不确定如何更改。这是带有 ActionPreform 方法的菜单

    public JMenuBar makeMenuBar(DrawHere drawHTree) {

    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();

    JMenu menSize = new JMenu("Color");

    JMenuItem mitSmall = new JMenuItem("Black");
    mitSmall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

            //Do stuff here...


    JMenuItem mitMedium = new JMenuItem("Red");
    mitMedium.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

            // Do stuff here...


    JMenuItem mitLarge = new JMenuItem("Cyan");
    mitLarge.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

            // Do stuff here...


    return menuBar;

这是 class 的一个片段,我想更改其图形颜色

    private void drawHTree(Point location) {

    int x = (int)location.getX();

    int y = (int)location.getY();

    int boxSize = (int)(this.getHeight()*HTREE_SIZE);

    // Rough draft test: 13:50.55 for n = 13
    // Optimized test: 11:42.42 for n = 13
    int n = 5;

private void _drawHTree(int n, int x, int y, int boxSize) {
    if (n == 0) {

    Graphics brush = this.getGraphics();


    brush.setColor(Color.RED);// <------- NEED HELP HERE! I WANT TO  
                                      // BE ABLE OT CHANGE THIS COLOR 

    ((Graphics2D) brush).draw(new Line2D.Double
            (x, y, x + boxSize, y));
    ((Graphics2D) brush).draw(new Line2D.Double
            (x + boxSize, y - boxSize/2, x + boxSize, y + boxSize/2));
    ((Graphics2D) brush).draw(new Line2D.Double
            (x , y - boxSize/2, x, y + boxSize/2));

    // compute x- and y-coordinates of the 4 half-size H-trees
    int x1 = x - boxSize/2;
    int x2 = x + boxSize/2;
    int y1 = y - boxSize/2;
    int y2 = y + boxSize/2;

    // recursively draw 4 half-size H-trees of order n-1
    _drawHTree(n-1, x1, y1, boxSize/2);
    _drawHTree(n-1, x1, y2, boxSize/2);   
    _drawHTree(n-1, x2 + boxSize/2, y1, boxSize/2);    
    _drawHTree(n-1, x2 + boxSize/2, y2, boxSize/2);    

所以,有人有什么想法吗?谢谢 ;D

为什么不直接清除 Color 变量并为该变量写一个 setter。然后而不是在





Color myColor;

public void setMyColor(Color myColor){
     this.mayCOlor = myColor;
