从虚拟路径 c# 将图像裁剪为一定比例

Crop image to certain ratio from virtual path c#

当我有以下条件时,我想将图像裁剪为 5/3.5 的比例:



如何在我的 MVC 控制器中使用 C# 实现这一点?我还想将图像存储回其原始位置,如果可能的话覆盖旧图像。

尽管不推荐,您仍然可以在 asp.net 中使用 System.Drawing


public static void CropAndOverwrite(string imgPath,int x1, int y1, int height, int width)


public static void CropAndOverwrite(string imgPath, int x1, int y1, int height, int width)

        //Create a rectanagle to represent the cropping area
        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
        //see if path if relative, if so set it to the full path
        if (imgPath.StartsWith("~"))
            //Server.MapPath will return the full path
            imgPath = Server.MapPath(imgPath);
        //Load the original image
        Bitmap bMap = new Bitmap(imgPath);
        //The format of the target image which we will use as a parameter to the Save method
        var format = bMap.RawFormat;

        //Draw the cropped part to a new Bitmap
        var croppedImage = bMap.Clone(rect, bMap.PixelFormat);

        //Dispose the original image since we don't need it any more

        //Remove the original image because the Save function will throw an exception and won't Overwrite by default
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(imgPath))

        //Save the result in the format of the original image
        //Dispose the result since we saved it