如何在来自相同 class 和其他 class 的不同对象之间传递信息作为 C# 中的事件

How to pass information between different objects from the same class and other classes as events in C#

我画了下面的拓扑结构,其中每个节点都是classSensorNode的一个对象,蓝色的链接表示每个节点与它的邻居之间的链接,节点周围的圆圈表示传输范围对于每个节点。 接收器也是 class Sink 的对象。 我需要实例化它们之间的消息传递和通信,但我不知道应该使用什么机制在这些对象(传感器节点)之间执行消息传递,其中每个节点都有其唯一的 ID,接收器有一个固定的 ID,在我的代码中为 1因为我只用一个水槽。



namespace CRN_Topology
    class SensorNode
       public int snID;
       public string snName;
       public int snDepth;
       public DateTime schedulingTime;
       public double holdingTime;
       public double energy;
       public List<int> queue11 = new List<int>();
       public List<DateTime> queue12 = new List<DateTime>();

       public List<Packet> queue21 = new List<Packet>();
       public List<DateTime> queue22 = new List<DateTime>();

       public SensorNode(int id,string name,int depth, double energy)
           this.snID = id;
           this.snName = name;
           this.snDepth = depth;
           this.energy = energy;

       public void insertHistoryQueue(int packetID, DateTime receivingTime)

       public void insertPriorityQueue(Packet packet, DateTime schedulingTime)

       public DateTime schedulingTimeCalculations(double holdingTime, DateTime systemTime)       
           schedulingTime = DateTime.FromOADate(holdingTime).Date + systemTime.TimeOfDay;

           return schedulingTime; 

       public double holdingTimeCalculations(double alpha, double depth, double beta)
           holdingTime = alpha * depth + beta;

           return holdingTime; 

       public void receive(Packet packet)

       public void forward(Packet packet, int neighborID)

       public void remove()

       public void sendDirect(int rxID, Packet packet)


namespace CRN_Topology
    class Sink
        public string name;
        public int sinkID;
        public int sinkX;
        public int sinkY;

        public List<Packet> queue1 = new List<Packet>();
        public List<DateTime> queue2 = new List<DateTime>();
        public Sink(string name, int Id , int xLocation, int yLocation)
            this.name = name;
            this.sinkID = Id;
            this.sinkX = xLocation;
            this.sinkY = yLocation;

        public void insert(Packet packet, DateTime receivingTime)

任何想法,我需要你的建议和帮助,因为我不知道如何在这些对象(传感器节点)之间以及传感器节点和接收器之间传递信息。在 C# 中负责此应用程序的库是什么?

您可以使用聚合关系来实现您所需要的。假设任何接收器只能连接两个节点,每个接收器 class 必须包含两个类型 SensorNode 的属性。例如:

public class Sink
     public SensorNode Node1 { get; set; }
     public SensorNode Node1 { get; set; }

这允许您控制节点之间的关系,因此您可以访问通过接收器连接的每个节点。在此对象上调用方法允许您启动对象之间的交互。顺便说一句,SensorNode class 还可以包含对其所有接收器列表的引用,以便通过它自己的方法与它们进行交互:

public class SensorNode
     public List<Sink> ConnectedSinks { get; set; }

PS:在面向对象语言中使用public字段不是一个很好的主意,所以你最好考虑使用public 属性代替。

您可以使用实际 events. Yet, for this case IObservable and IObserver 似乎可以提供更好的模式。虽然在尝试实现这一点时,我很快就摆脱了这种模式。

以下是我开发的解决方案。我展示的是一个摘要 class Node,旨在用作 SensorNodeSink 的基础,因为两者都可以接收连接。

编辑 1:或者你可以把它变成自己的东西并使用组合,你可以实现抽象方法 Recieve 来引发自定义事件。

编辑 2:也许 Recieve 方法的东西比 Send 更好?我的意思是,在我的代码中,预期的实现是让它使用 _connections 进行广播或尝试将 Packet 到达其目的地,并进行日志记录和其他任何操作。 我真的不知道这是否是您为 Recieve 方法设计的。

abstract class Node
    /// <summary>
    /// Set of all the ids.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly Dictionary<int, object> _nodes;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Id of the node.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Can't change.</remarks>
    private readonly int _id;

    /// <summary>
    /// The connections of the node.
    /// </summary>
    protected readonly Dictionary<int, Node> _connections;

    static Node()
        _nodes = new Dictionary<int, object>();

    protected Node(int id)
        // Try register the Id provided
        if (_nodes.ContainsKey(id))
            // If we fail to add it, it means another Node has the same Id already.
            throw new ArgumentException($"The id {id} is already in use", nameof(id));
        _nodes.Add(id, null);
        // Store the Id for future reference
        _id = id;
        _connections = new Dictionary<int, Node>();

        // Try to release the Id
        // AppDomain unload could be happening
        // Any reference could have been set to null
        // Do not start async operations
        // Do not throw exceptions
        // You may, if you so desire, make Node IDisposable, and dispose including this code
        var nodes = _nodes;
        if (nodes != null)

    /// <summary>
    /// The Id of the Node
    /// </summary>
    public int Id { get => _id; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Connects nodes, bidirectionally.
    /// Connect(x, y) is equivalent to Connect(y, x).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">The first node to connect</param>
    /// <param name="y">The second node to connect</param>
    public static void Connect(Node x, Node y)
        if (x == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
        if (y == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(y));
        // Bidirectional
        x._connections[y.Id] = y;
        y._connections[x.Id] = x;

    /// <summary>
    /// Disconnects nodes, bidirectionally.
    /// Disconnect(x, y) is equivalent to Disconnect(y, x).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">The first node to connect</param>
    /// <param name="y">The second node to connect</param>
    public static void Disconnect(Node x, Node y)
        if (x == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
        if (y == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(y));
        // Short circuit
        if (y._connections.ContainsKey(x.Id) && x._connections.ContainsKey(y.Id))
            // Bidirectional

    protected abstract void Recieve(Packet value);

注意:我没有添加任何东西来阻止 Node 到自身的连接

我已经留下Recieve摘要给你实现。 Sink 可能只会记录消息,而 SensorNode 将必须检查目的地并转发消息。

要从一个节点向另一个节点发送消息,请使用字段 _connections. The key is theidof the connectedNode. Thefore, if you want to broadcast, you can iterate over_connections`。如果你想 运行 它们并行,我在下面有一个线程安全的版本。

我考虑到您可能需要为连接附加信息(例如重量/距离/成本/延迟/延迟)。如果是这种情况,请考虑创建一个 Connection class 并使 _connections 成为它的字典。它的实用优势是您可以将相同的 Connection 对象添加到两个 Nodes ,然后对它们的更新将对它们可见。 或者只是使用Tuple或者添加更多词典,随便什么,我不在乎。

我花了一段时间才想出一个好的线程安全实现。如果它使用 Monitor ,它会阻止读取连接字典,你需要这样做才能发送 Pakets,所以这不好。读写锁要好一些,但它可能会导致 ConnectDisconnect 方法耗尽。

我想出的是一个很好的旧状态机。我添加了另一本字典来保持状态。使所有字典 ConcurrentDictionary 允许并行操作并能够自动修改状态。


abstract class Node
    /// <summary>
    /// Set of all the ids.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, object> _nodes;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Id of the node.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Can't change.</remarks>
    private readonly int _id;

    /// <summary>
    /// The connections of the node.
    /// </summary>
    protected readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Node> _connections;

    /// <summary>
    /// Status of the connection for synchronization
    /// </summary>
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, int> _connectionStatus;

    private const int _connecting = 0;
    private const int _connected = _connecting + 1;
    private const int _disconnecting = _connected + 1;

    static Node()
        _nodes = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, object>();

    protected Node(int id)
        // Try register the Id provided
        if (!_nodes.TryAdd(id, null))
            // If we fail to add it, it means another Node has the same Id already.
            throw new ArgumentException($"The id {id} is already in use", nameof(id));
        // Store the Id for future reference
        _id = id;
        _connections = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Node>();
        _connectionStatus = new oncurrentDictionary<int, int>();

        // Try to release the Id
        // AppDomain unload could be happening
        // Any reference could have been set to null
        // Do not start async operations
        // Do not throw exceptions
        // You may, if you so desire, make Node IDisposable, and dispose including this code
        var nodes = _nodes;
        if (nodes != null)
            nodes.TryRemove(Id, out object waste);

    /// <summary>
    /// The Id of the Node
    /// </summary>
    public int Id { get => _id; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Connects nodes, bidirectionally.
    /// Connect(x, y) is equivalent to Connect(y, x).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">The first node to connect</param>
    /// <param name="y">The second node to connect</param>
    public static bool Connect(Node x, Node y)
        if (x == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
        if (y == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(y));
        // Bidirectional
        // Take nodes in order of Id, for syncrhonization
        var a = x;
        var b = y;
        if (b.Id < a.Id)
            a = y;
            b = x;
        if (a._connectionStatus.TryAdd(b.Id, _connecting)
            && b._connectionStatus.TryAdd(a.Id, _connecting))
            a._connections[b.Id] = b;
            b._connections[a.Id] = a;
            a._connectionStatus[b.Id] = _connected;
            b._connectionStatus[a.Id] = _connected;
            return true;
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Disconnects nodes, bidirectionally.
    /// Disconnect(x, y) is equivalent to Disconnect(y, x).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">The first node to connect</param>
    /// <param name="y">The second node to connect</param>
    public static bool Disconnect(Node x, Node y)
        if (x == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
        if (y == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(y));
        // Short circuit
        if (!y._connections.ContainsKey(x.Id) && !x._connections.ContainsKey(y.Id))
            return false;
        // Take nodes in order of Id, for syncrhonization
        var a = x;
        var b = y;
        if (b.Id < a.Id)
            a = y;
            b = x;
        if (a._connectionStatus.TryUpdate(b.Id, _disconnecting, _connected)
            && b._connectionStatus.TryUpdate(a.Id, _disconnecting, _connected))
            a._connections.TryRemove(b.Id, out x);
            b._connections.TryRemove(a.Id, out y);
            int waste;
            a._connectionStatus.TryRemove(b.Id, out waste);
            b._connectionStatus.TryRemove(a.Id, out waste);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected abstract void Recieve(Packet value);


ConnectDisconnect一定要尽量对同一个订单进行操作,这就是为什么我用Id下订单的原因。 ConnectDisconnect 并发执行可能会导致单向连接。

如果您的线程正在尝试添加相同的连接,则只有一个会成功(由于 TryAdd)。如果两个线程试图删除同一个连接,则只有一个会成功(由于 TryUpdate)。如果连接存在,Connect 将失败。如果连接不存在 Disconnect 将失败。

如果 ConnectDisconnect 同时发生并且连接存在,Connect 将无法添加它并失败,除非 Disconnect 设法先删除它。如果连接不存在,Disconnect 将失败,除非 Connect 设法首先添加它。


没有线程需要等待另一个线程完成。并且只读取 _connections.


虽然理论上只读取 _connections 的线程可能能够看到连接仅存在于一个方向的情况,但该线程将无法发送 Packet同时两个方向。因此,从该线程的角度来看,在其尝试发送 Packet.

