AWS Batch 作业详细信息保留限制

Limits for AWS Batch job details retention

我试图了解与 AWS Batch 作业相关的详细信息会保留多长时间。例如,Kinesis limits page 描述了每个流如何默认为 24​​ 小时保留期,最多可延长至 7 天。

AWS Batch limits page 不包含有关作业允许的最长时间或计数的任何详细信息。它确实说 100 万是 SUBMITTED 职位的限制,但不清楚这是专门针对 SUBMITTED 还是包括其他州。


SUCCEEDED 和 FAILED 作业的作业元数据保留 24 小时。 SUBMITTED、PENDING、RUNNABLE、STARTING 和 运行 中作业的元数据保留在队列中,直到作业完成。您的 AWS Batch 作业还会将 STDERR/STDOUT 记录到您控制保留策略的 CloudWatch Logs。

来自 AWS Batch 官方文档 -

在作业下 -> 作业状态 (Page 23)


The job has failed all available attempts. The job state for FAILED jobs is persisted in AWS Batch for at least 24 hours.


Logs for FAILED jobs are available in CloudWatch Logs; the log group is /aws/batch/job, and the log stream name format is first200CharsOfJobDefinitionName/default/ecs_task_id (this format may change in the future). After a job reaches the RUNNING status, you can programmatically retrieve its log stream with the DescribeJobs API operation. For more information, see View Log Data Sent to CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide. By default, these logs are set to never expire, but you can modify the retention period. For more information, see Change Log Data Retention in CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.