使用 numbus 库更新 JWT 令牌字段

Update JWT token field using numbus library

我有一个 Signed JWT 令牌,我需要更新一个现有字段,我们称之为 userName。我正在使用 NIMBUS + JOSE 和。我想出了如何解析它并提取声明:



我花了一些时间试图找出如何使用该库修改 JWT 令牌。 我使用了一个快速而肮脏的解决方案:

// Split token into parts (parts are separated with '.'
final String[] tokenParts = token.split("\.");

// decode payload part
final String decodedPayload =
    new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(tokenParts[1]), "UTF-8");

// enrich payload with additional userName field by adding it to the end of
// JSON. Remove the last character which is '}' and append data as String
final String updatedDecodedPayload =
    decodedPayload.substring(0, decodedPayload.length() - 1)
    + ",\"userName\":\"" + "Richard" + "\"}";

// update payload with userId field and encode it back to base64
tokenParts[1] = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(

final String updatedToken = String.join(".", tokenParts));