Google Play 服务如何从另一个应用程序中检索用户保存的游戏

Google Play Services How to retrieve user's saved games from another application

我想构建一个 android 应用程序,它将成为另一个使用 google 播放服务来保存游戏的应用程序的 "add-on"。我的应用程序是否可以通过任何方式访问此其他应用程序的已保存游戏(当然需要用户的许可)?

我猜你可以参考这个 documentation. To retrieve all saved games for the currently signed-in player, call the load method. Your game can also retrieve a specific saved game through the player's UI selection, as described in Displaying Saved Games. The returned saved game is represented as a Snapshot,然后你的游戏可以打开它来读取它的内容和元数据。