如何以编程方式对 powerpoint 图像进行分组

How to group the power point images programatically

我正在尝试使用 pdf miner 从 pdf 中提取图像 module.I 想将图形图像提取为单个图像,但实际上模块没有返回整个图形图像,而是返回分离的图像 images.I 已将 pdf 转换为 ppt.Then 手动将图形图像分组为单个图像,然后再次转换为 pdf。现在 pdf miner 正在将图形图像提取为单个图像。

我们可以手动对电源点进行分组 images.I 可以通过任何方式以编程方式进行


Sub GroupCertainShapes()

    Dim x As Long
    Dim sTemp As String
    Dim aShapeList() As String
    Dim lShapeCount As Long

    With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
        ' iterate through all shapes on the slide
        ' to get a count of shapes that meet our condition
        For x = 1 To .Shapes.Count
            ' Does the shape meet our condition? count it.
            If .Shapes(x).Type = msoAutoShape Then
                lShapeCount = lShapeCount + 1
            End If

        ' now we know how many elements to include in our array,
        ' so redim it:
        ReDim aShapeList(1 To lShapeCount)

        ' Reset the shape counter
        lShapeCount = 0

        ' Now add the shapes that meet our condition
        ' to the array:
        For x = 1 To .Shapes.Count
            ' apply some criterion for including the shape or not
            If .Shapes(x).Type = msoAutoShape Then
                lShapeCount = lShapeCount + 1
                aShapeList(lShapeCount) = .Shapes(x).Name
            End If

        ' and finally form a group from the shapes in the array:
        If UBound(aShapeList) > 0 Then
        End If

    End With
End Sub