使用 dropkick 进行 Parsley js 表单验证 - 无法在自定义 select 下拉列表中添加错误 class

Parsley js form validation with dropkick - Cannot add error class on custom select dropdown

我正在使用 dropkick 自定义下拉插件来自定义我的 select 元素和 Parsley js 用于表单验证。在表单验证时,错误消息确实显示在下拉列表下,但未添加 error class。

我知道 dropkick 隐藏了 <select> 并生成了自己的自定义 <div><ul> 用于显示自定义下拉列表。那么有没有一种方法可以将错误消息 class 添加到这些由 dropkick 动态生成的 <div> 中?



<form class="form-inline row" id="quote_form_header">
    <select class="dropkick_select" 
            data-parsley-required-message="State is required.">
        <option selected disabled>State</option>

    <button type="submit">GET A QUOTE</button>


    //Initialize dropkick on the form select elements

    //Parsley js validation code
    var parsley_valiation_options = {
         errorTemplate: '<span class="error-msg"></span>',
         errorClass: 'error',

    if ($('#quote_form_header').length > 0)



var parsley_valiation_options = {
  errorTemplate: '<span class="error-msg"></span>',
  errorClass: 'error'

window.Parsley.on('field:error', function() {
  var element = $(this.$element);
  // This global callback will be called for any field that fails validation.
  //console.log('Validation failed for: ', this.$element);
  //If the select element is a dropkick select, then add error class to dropkick generated custom <div> element
  if ($(this.$element).hasClass('dropkick_select')) {
    //var el = $(element).siblings('div.dk-select').first();
//Initialize dropkick on the form select elements
  change: function() {
    var select_elem = this.data.elem;
    var selected_value = this.value;
    //console.log("selected_value = "+selected_value);
    //if selected value is not blank and if validation error message is currently being displayed under the select element, then remove the error message
    if (selected_value != "" && $(select_elem).siblings('ul.parsley-errors-list').length > 0) {