遗传算法 - 旅行商

Genetic Algorithms - Travelling salesman


Assume you have N cities. It's possible to go from each city to any of the other cities. Assume that you have full information about the distances between cities in a tabulated form. The distance between the city number k and the city number l is given by d(k,l); so for example, the distance from the third city to the ninth city is given by d(3,9). Note that d(k,l)=d(l,k).

A travelling salesman needs to visit all N cities and wants to find the shortest route that connects all of the cities. Use a genetic algorithm to solve this problem.

Question: Define an appropriate fitness function for this problem and say whether high or low fitness is better.


您希望通过 TSP 最大限度地缩短行进距离。 n 城市的旅行方式有很多种; N! / 2 确切地说。

因此,如果您有 N = 4,您需要一个整数数组 1-4,每个整数只出现一次。所以一些可能的选择是:


然后您通过从列表中的城市 ii+1 计算距离来评估分数。对列表中的每个城市 i(但最后一个)执行此操作,您就得到了总距离;这是你的分数!


// Please note that the integers 1-4 represent cities
score([1,4,2,3]) = d(1,4) + d(4,2) + d(2,3)
score([4,1,2,3]) = d(4,1) + d(1,2) + d(2,3)
score([3,1,4,2]) = d(3,1) + d(1,4) + d(4,2)



[1,4,2,3] -> [4,1,2,3]
[1,2,3,4] -> [1,3,2,4]

This video 显示了 Javascript 通过遗传算法优化距离的实现的一个很好的例子。