AWS 的 EMR 与 EC2 定价混淆
AWS' EMR vs EC2 pricing confusion
有人可以解释为什么 EMR 和 EC2 的价格相差如此之大,我们正在考虑是在 EMR 上构建我们的 spark 集群还是在 EC2 上使用 Clourdera。我错过了什么明显的东西吗?谢谢
Amazon EMR provides a managed Hadoop framework that makes it easy,
fast, and cost-effective to process vast amounts of data across
dynamically scalable Amazon EC2 instances.
什么是 EC2?
Amazon EC2’s simple web service interface allows you to obtain and
configure capacity with minimal friction. It provides you with
complete control of your computing resources and lets you run on
Amazon’s proven computing environment.
现在,EMR pricing 是什么?
EMR 定价本质上是您为 "Cluster Management" 相关计算支付的价格。
在大数据设置中,集群计算是不够的,您还需要 "node computing",这就是 EC2 and it's pricing 的用武之地。
如EMR Pricing documentation所述,当您使用 EMR 时,您需要为 EMR 计算和 EC2 计算付费。
The Amazon EMR price is in addition to the Amazon EC2 price (the price
for the underlying servers). There are a variety of Amazon EC2 pricing
options you can choose from, including On-Demand (shown below), 1 year
& 3 year Reserved Instances, and Spot instances.
这取决于所使用的服务和硬件类型,最终只有 AWS 团队可以回答。 有人可以解释为什么 EMR 和 EC2 的价格相差如此之大,我们正在考虑是在 EMR 上构建我们的 spark 集群还是在 EC2 上使用 Clourdera。我错过了什么明显的东西吗?谢谢
Amazon EMR provides a managed Hadoop framework that makes it easy, fast, and cost-effective to process vast amounts of data across dynamically scalable Amazon EC2 instances.
什么是 EC2?
Amazon EC2’s simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets you run on Amazon’s proven computing environment.
现在,EMR pricing 是什么?
EMR 定价本质上是您为 "Cluster Management" 相关计算支付的价格。
在大数据设置中,集群计算是不够的,您还需要 "node computing",这就是 EC2 and it's pricing 的用武之地。
如EMR Pricing documentation所述,当您使用 EMR 时,您需要为 EMR 计算和 EC2 计算付费。
The Amazon EMR price is in addition to the Amazon EC2 price (the price for the underlying servers). There are a variety of Amazon EC2 pricing options you can choose from, including On-Demand (shown below), 1 year & 3 year Reserved Instances, and Spot instances.
这取决于所使用的服务和硬件类型,最终只有 AWS 团队可以回答。