Wordpress 管理栏用户菜单位置/文件

Wordpress admin bar user menu location / file

谁能告诉我用户菜单在 Wordpress 管理栏上的位置?我想将下拉菜单(包括配置文件、通知、消息等)移动到网站的另一部分。谢谢!

更新:如果可能的话,寻找 "Howdy, admin" + 头像部分所在的实际 PHP 文件。

这 link 将帮助您更改管理菜单,https://code.tutsplus.com/articles/customizing-your-wordpress-admin--wp-24941


WP_Admin_Bar is located in wp-includes/class-wp-admin-bar.php.

i) admin_bar_init - This action hook is called at the very end of initialization.

ii) add_admin_bar_menus - This action hook is called at the end of the public add_menus() method.