ES2015 代理:断言代理与目标对象相同

ES2015 Proxy: Assert that proxy is the same as target object


const o = {};
const p = new Proxy(o, {});

相等运算符似乎不起作用,as outlined in this paper on page 6:

o == p; // false
o === p; // false
const q = new Proxy(o, {});
p === q; // false




const nodeList = new Proxy(document.querySelectorAll('div'), {
  get(target, key) { return new Proxy(target[key], {}); }

const specificNode = document.querySelector('div[data-target]');

for (const node of nodeList) {
  if (node === specificNode) { doSomethingElse(); } // Never happens, even if specificNode is in the nodeList


const associatedTarget = Symbol();
const p = new Proxy(target[key], {});
p[associatedTarget] = target[key];
return p;

if (node[associatedTarget] === specificNode)


const proxies = new WeakMap();
function makeUniqueProxy(t) {
  if (!proxies.has(t))
    proxies.set(t, new Proxy(t, {}));
  return proxies.get(t);

const nodeList = new Proxy(document.querySelectorAll('div'), {
  get(target, key) { return makeUniqueProxy(target[key]); }

const specificNode = makeUniqueProxy(document.querySelector('div[data-target]'));
//                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

for (const node of nodeList) {
  if (node === specificNode) { doSomethingElse(); } // just works

这种方法还有非常可取的 属性 即 nodeList[0] === nodeList[0]