Export Function需要设置为纯函数

Export Function needs to be set as a pure function

在下面的一段 Trampoline 代码中,我将调用 onclick = export(add,5) 来自我视图中的按钮。如何确保此调用始终 returns 5 的值而不取消注释下面代码中 //x=0 所在的行?

var x = 0;

function repeat(operation, num) {
    return function () {
        if (num <= 0) {
            // x=0;
        return repeat(operation, --num);

function trampoline(fn) {
    while (fn && typeof fn === 'function') {
        fn=  fn();

this.export = function (operation, num) {
    trampoline(function () {
        return repeat(operation, num);

function add()

基本上,我想要一个解决方案,其中我的变量 x 的范围将确保程序在执行 n 次时总是 returns 相同的输出(换句话说,我想设置 'export' 作为纯函数)

我不太清楚你在问什么,但你没有理由依赖外部状态、突变或重新分配此功能。 ++x--n 是函数式编程幻想世界中的噩梦——您将希望以几乎所有常见模式避免它们。

// checking typeof === 'function' is not really reliable in functional programming
// function return values are perfectly good return types
// use data abstraction to mark tail calls
const trampoline = {
  bounce: (f, x) =>({ isBounce: true, f, x}),
  run: t => {
    while (t && t.isBounce)
      t = t.f(t.x)
    return t

// local binding, no mutation, just return x + 1
const add = x => x + 1

// bounced repeat
const repeatAux = (f,n) => x =>
  n === 0 ? x : trampoline.bounce(repeatAux(f, n - 1), f(x))

// this is the function you export
// it runs trampolined repeatAux with initial state of 0
const repeat = (f,n) =>

// all calls to repeat are pure and do not require external state, mutation, or reassignment
console.log(repeat(add, 5)) // 5
console.log(repeat(add, 5)) // 5
console.log(repeat(add, 7)) // 7
console.log(repeat(add, 7)) // 7

// repeat 1 million times to show trampoline works
console.log(repeat(add, 1e6)) // 1000000


var trampoline = {
  bounce: function (f, x) {
    return ({ isBounce: true, f, x})
  run: function (t) {
    while (t && t.isBounce)
      t = t.f(t.x)
    return t

var add = function (x) { return x + 1 }

var repeatAux = function (f,n) {
  return function (x) {
    return n === 0
      ? x
      : trampoline.bounce(repeatAux(f, n - 1), f(x))

var repeat = function (f,n) {
  return trampoline.run(repeatAux(f,n)(0))

console.log(repeat(add, 5)) // 5
console.log(repeat(add, 5)) // 5
console.log(repeat(add, 7)) // 7
console.log(repeat(add, 7)) // 7
console.log(repeat(add, 1e6)) // 1000000