
Counters and accumulators not working and making the program crash. What am I doing wrong?


我希望程序要求用户输入一个数字,表明他们 运行 在本月的比赛中分别 运行 跑了多少公里。 该程序会告诉他们在每场比赛中 运行 的平均成绩。


#include <stdio.h>

 main () 
   int STOP_VALUE = 8 ; /* you pick this number - outside the valid data set */

   int avg;
   int currentItem;
   float runningTotal = 0 ;
   int counterOfItems = 0 ;

   printf("Enter first item or 8 to stop: ");

   scanf("%d", &currentItem);

   while ( currentItem != 8) {

          runningTotal += currentItem;


      printf("Enter next item or 8 to stop: ");
      scanf("%d", currentItem);      


   /* protect against division by 0 */
   if ( counterOfItems != 0 )

          avg = runningTotal / counterOfItems ;}
     else {

   printf("On average, you've run %f per race and you've participated in %f running events. Bye! \n", runningTotal, counterOfItems);

    return 0;  


  scanf("%d", currentItem);


 scanf("%d", &currentItem);

也就是说,main () 至少应该 int main(void),以符合托管环境的标准。

您的 avg 变量是一个 int,它将被四舍五入,您最终可能会得到一些奇怪的结果。

实际上是一个更新,你的 avg 变量没有被使用。