检查 joined table 中的记录是否超过一条记录

Check if records are more than one for a record in joined table

我有两个 table:businesssms_content_business 这是两个 table 的架构: 对于 business Table:

对于 sms_content_business Table:

现在我想要实现的是获取 is_topbrand = 1sms_content_business table 中至少有一条记录的所有业务,我这样做是这样的:

SELECT * FROM `business` WHERE is_topbrand=1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sms_content_business` scb JOIN `business` b ON b.id=scb.business_id) > 0

但它并没有达到我的预期。还有如何使用 Yii 1 CDBcriteria class 来做到这一点?有帮助吗?


select b.*
from business b
where b.is_topbrand = 1
and exists(
    select 1
    from sms_content_business scb
    where b.id = scb.business_id