Play 商店 Apk ZipAlign 问题
Play store Apk ZipAlign Issue
我在 android studio
中启用了 zipAlignEnabled 标志
并且需要为将签署该应用程序并将其上传到他们的 Play 商店帐户的客户之一构建该应用程序。
签署应用程序后,上传 Play 商店时说 apk 未压缩
当我使用 CMD 签名后再次 Zip 对齐时,它会上传到 Play 商店。
这取决于您使用的是哪种 zip 对齐工具
If you use apksigner, zipalign must only be performed before the APK file has been signed. If you sign your APK using apksigner and make further changes to the APK, its signature is invalidated.
If you use jarsigner, zipalign must only be performed after the APK file has been signed. Source
我在 android studio
中启用了 zipAlignEnabled 标志并且需要为将签署该应用程序并将其上传到他们的 Play 商店帐户的客户之一构建该应用程序。
签署应用程序后,上传 Play 商店时说 apk 未压缩 当我使用 CMD 签名后再次 Zip 对齐时,它会上传到 Play 商店。
这取决于您使用的是哪种 zip 对齐工具
If you use apksigner, zipalign must only be performed before the APK file has been signed. If you sign your APK using apksigner and make further changes to the APK, its signature is invalidated.
If you use jarsigner, zipalign must only be performed after the APK file has been signed. Source