删除自定义停用词形成 python 中的短语

removing custom stop words form a phrase in python

我试图在进一步处理输入之前从用户输入中删除某些短语和单词,但在尝试这样做时我 运行 遇到了 "index out of range" 错误的问题我完全卡住了。我该如何解决这个问题? 我将我的输入短语作为一个字符串,我将其转换为一个列表以比较每个单词,并且我将停用词作为一个预定义列表。
["you", "know", "what", "i", "mean", "so", "just", "turn", "the"、"lights"、"on"]

#Gets user input and removes the selected stop words from it and returns a filtered phrase back.    
def stop_word_remover(phrase_list):

    stop_words_lst = ["yo", "so", "well", "um", "a", "the","you know", "i mean"]

    #initalize clean phrase string
    clean_input_phrase= ""

    #copying phrase_list into a new variable for stopword removal.
    Copy_phrase_list = list(phrase_list)

    #Cleanup loop

    for i in range(1,len(phrase_list)):
        has_stop_words = False

        for x in range(len(stop_words_lst)):
            has_stop_words = False

            #if one of the stop words matches the word passed by the first main loop      the  flag is raised.
            if (phrase_list[i-1]+" "+phrase_list[i]) == stop_words_lst[x].strip():
                has_stop_words = True    

            # this if statement adds the word of the phrase only if the flag is not raised thus making sure all the stop words are filtered out         
            if has_stop_words == True:

    #first for loop takes a individual words of the phrase given and makes a loop until the whole phrase goes through one word at a time
    for i in range(len(Copy_phrase_list)):
        #flag initialized for marking stop words
        has_stop_words = False

        #second loop takes all the stop words and compares them to the first word passed on by the first loop to sheck for a stop word
        for x in range(len(stop_words_lst)):
            #if one of the stop words matches the word passed by the first main loop the  flag is raised.
            if Copy_phrase_list[i] == stop_words_lst[x].strip():
            has_stop_words = True    

        # this if statement adds the word of the phrase only if the flag is not raised thus making sure all the stop words are filtered out        
        if has_stop_words == False:
            clean_input_phrase += str(Copy_phrase_list[i]) +" "

return clean_input_phrase


single_word_list = ["yo", "so", "well", "um", "a", "the"]
phrase_list = ["you know", "i mean"]
for index, word in enumerate(Copy_phrase_list) :
    if word in single_word_lst:
        del Copy_phrase_list[index] 
    if word + " " + Copy_phrase_list[index+1] in phrase_list:
        del Copy_phrase_list[index] 
        del Copy_phrase_list[index+1] 
return " ".join(Copy_phrase_list) 

然后您需要将 copy_phrase_list 转换为字符串并 return 它。

使用正则表达式替换功能。 用空字符串替换每个匹配项。

stop_words_lst = ['yo', 'so', 'well', 'um', 'a', 'the', 'you know', 'i mean']
s = "you know what i mean so just turn the lights on"

import re
for w in stop_words_lst:
    pattern = r'\b'+w+r'\b'
    s = re.sub(pattern, '', s)
    print (s)