Rails 5:form_for 对比 form_with

Rails 5: form_for vs form_with

Rails 5引入了新的表单辅助方法form_with.


这实际上是在为 rails 5.1 做准备,其中只应使用 form_with。它旨在替代 form_forform_tag 这两种方法。

form_for and form_tag in Rails were very similar, both allowed you to create a form tag but the first one uses model’s attributes to build create or update form, while the second one simply creates an HTML form tag with the passed URL as action.


form_with 是街区的新生。 form_forform_tag 现在(基本上)已过时。


原因包含在 Kasper Timm Hansen's pull request - I cannot say it better than what is stated already in the pull request itself 中(请参阅拉取请求的 link)。


form_tag and form_for serve very similar use cases. This PR unifies that usage such that form_with can output just the opening form tag akin to form_tag and can just work with a url, for instance.

这意味着如果您没有模型,则无需使用 form_tag。您可以使用 form_with 助手,它仍然可以处理 URL。

注意回复:Ids 和 类: Ruby 5.1 版本的 form_with,默认情况下不附加 class 或表格的 id。但是,对于 Rails 5.2 及更高版本,form_with 将根据模型自动生成 ID(如果存在)— 基本上与 form_for 相同的 ID 行为,因此您无需手动指定它们了。 (source)

现有答案很棒。我还发现有帮助的是前几段 here。基本上:

form_tag and form_for are soft deprecated and they will be replaced by form_with in the future.