spotfire 中所有页面的一个书签

One bookmark for all pages in spotfire

在 Spotfire 中,我们可以创建书签,它拍摄当前活动页面或活动可视化的快照并保存。假设我们在 Spotfire 分析中有 n 个页面,那么如果我们需要为每个页面拍摄快照,那么我们必须为每个页面创建单独的书签。
我正在寻找一种方法来为多个 pages/visualizations 创建书签,但没有得到任何东西。请建议。

书签快照整个 dxp(分析),而不仅仅是活动页面或可视化。因此,如果您创建一个书签,然后在多个页面上进行更改(过滤、行选择等),该书签将恢复所有更改。它们按用户、文档.


A bookmark can capture one or more of the following: specific rows you have marked, active pages and visualizations, and even specific filtering that you have applied. A bookmark also contains information about visualization properties such as what column was used on an axis, what column was used to color by, etc., as well as any custom property values you have used on the active page. You decide what should be included in a captured state, but a bookmark that is added without making any adjustments will automatically include all those parts in the bookmark