无法使我的 Ruby 负面展望正则表达式正常工作
Unable to get my Ruby negative look ahead regex to work properly
我正在使用 Ruby 2.4。我想在字符串中搜索一个词,但前提是它前面没有另一个词。我想我可以使用这种负面的前瞻性,如下所示,但是如果 "bad" 这个词是"apple" 之前。 "bad" 和 "apple."
之间只有一个 space
2.4.0 :014 > word_regex = /(?!.*bad)(^|\s)#{Regexp.escape(word)}(\s|$)/i
=> /(?!.*bad)(^|\s)apple(\s|$)/i
2.4.0 :015 > "good apple".match(word_regex)
=> #<MatchData " apple" 1:" " 2:"">
2.4.0 :016 > "bad apple".match(word_regex)
=> #<MatchData " apple" 1:" " 2:"">
考虑像这样使用负向回顾 (?<!bad\s)apple
将仅在 bad
前面没有时才查找 apple。注意 bad
之后的 space
我试过了,就像@sagarpandy82 说的那样
word_regex = /(?<!bad)(^|\s)#{Regexp.escape("apple")}(\s|$)/i
a = "good apple".match(word_regex)
b = "bad apple".match(word_regex)
R = /
\b # match word break
#{'apples'.reverse} # match 'elppa'
\b # match word break
(?! # begin a negative lookahead
\s+ # match one or more whitespaces
#{'bad'.reverse} # match 'dab'
\b # match word break
) # close negative lookaheaad
/ix # case-indifferent and free-spacing regex definition modes
#=> /
\b # match word break
elppa # match 'selppa'
\b # match word break
(?! # begin a negative lookahead
\s+ # match one or more whitespaces
dab # match 'dab'
\b # match word break
) # close negative lookaheaad
def avoid_bad_apples(str)
str.reverse.match? R
avoid_bad_apples("good apples") #=> true
avoid_bad_apples("Simbad apples") #=> true
avoid_bad_apples("bad pears") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("bad apples") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("bad apples") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("good applesauce") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("Very bad apples. BAD!") #=> false
我正在使用 Ruby 2.4。我想在字符串中搜索一个词,但前提是它前面没有另一个词。我想我可以使用这种负面的前瞻性,如下所示,但是如果 "bad" 这个词是"apple" 之前。 "bad" 和 "apple."
之间只有一个 space2.4.0 :014 > word_regex = /(?!.*bad)(^|\s)#{Regexp.escape(word)}(\s|$)/i
=> /(?!.*bad)(^|\s)apple(\s|$)/i
2.4.0 :015 > "good apple".match(word_regex)
=> #<MatchData " apple" 1:" " 2:"">
2.4.0 :016 > "bad apple".match(word_regex)
=> #<MatchData " apple" 1:" " 2:"">
考虑像这样使用负向回顾 (?<!bad\s)apple
将仅在 bad
前面没有时才查找 apple。注意 bad
我试过了,就像@sagarpandy82 说的那样
word_regex = /(?<!bad)(^|\s)#{Regexp.escape("apple")}(\s|$)/i
a = "good apple".match(word_regex)
b = "bad apple".match(word_regex)
R = /
\b # match word break
#{'apples'.reverse} # match 'elppa'
\b # match word break
(?! # begin a negative lookahead
\s+ # match one or more whitespaces
#{'bad'.reverse} # match 'dab'
\b # match word break
) # close negative lookaheaad
/ix # case-indifferent and free-spacing regex definition modes
#=> /
\b # match word break
elppa # match 'selppa'
\b # match word break
(?! # begin a negative lookahead
\s+ # match one or more whitespaces
dab # match 'dab'
\b # match word break
) # close negative lookaheaad
def avoid_bad_apples(str)
str.reverse.match? R
avoid_bad_apples("good apples") #=> true
avoid_bad_apples("Simbad apples") #=> true
avoid_bad_apples("bad pears") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("bad apples") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("bad apples") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("good applesauce") #=> false
avoid_bad_apples("Very bad apples. BAD!") #=> false