具有多个级别的多重关系 parent/child

Multiple relations parent/child with multiple levels

我有一个名为 companies 的 MySQL table,如下所示:

| id_comp | comp_name | id_parent |
|       1 | comp1     |      NULL |
|       2 | comp2     |         1 |
|       3 | comp3     |         2 |
|       4 | comp4     |         2 |
|       5 | comp5     |         2 |
|       6 | comp6     |         1 |
|       3 | comp3     |         6 |
|       5 | comp5     |         6 |
|       7 | comp7     |         6 |
|       4 | comp4     |         6 |
|       8 | comp8     |         4 |

每个公司可能有多个 parent(例如:comp3,即 comp2comp6 的 child),每个 parent 可能有多个 child,每个 child 可以是多个 child 的 parent 本身,依此类推......所以,它可以有无限的级别(关系).

我研究了几个解决方案 (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/818694/SQL-queries-to-manage-hierarchical-or-parent-child, http://mikehillyer.com/articles/managing-hierarchical-data-in-mysql/),但我认为它不适合我的问题,因为同一家公司(基于 id_comp 列)可以有多个 parent s.


  1. 如果我有数千个关系(可扩展),这是正确的方法吗?
  2. 如何给定一个 name(这是唯一的,基于 id_comp)查询 select 它的兄弟(相同 parent_id),它的直接 parent(s), 及其直接 child(s).

Mysql 不是最佳选择(获取所有 ancestors/descendants 可能很棘手)。但是,如果您只关心找到直接 parents/children,您的 table 应该没问题(尽管我可能会将其分解为单独的 Company 和 CompanyParent table,这样公司名称就不会输入多次)。


select name
from companies 
where id_parent in (select id_parent from companies where id_comp = @company_id)
and id_comp <> @company_id
group by name;

这会给你直接 parents:

select p.name
from companies p
join companies c on p.id = c.id_parent
where c.id_comp = @company_id
group by c.name;

这会给你直接 children:

select c.name
from companies p
join companies c on p.id = c.id_parent
where p.id_comp = @company_id
group by c.name;


CREATE TABLE Relations (
    id_comp ...,
    id_parent ...,
    PRIMARY KEY(id_comp, id_parent),  -- for reaching "up"
    INDEX(id_parent, id_comp)         -- for reaching "down"

这将扩展到数百万甚至数十亿个关系。由于 PRIMARY KEY 根据定义是 UNIQUEINDEX,它可以防止重复关系(12 的 parent 只有一次) 并提供一种有效的方式来遍历一个方向。

必要时使用DISTINCT代替GROUP BY。不要使用IN ( SELECT ...),它往往很慢。


SELECT DISTINCT their_kids.*
    FROM Relations AS me
    JOIN Relations AS my_parents  ON my_parents.id_comp = me.id_parent
    JOIN Relations AS their_kids  ON their_kids.id_parent = parents.id_comp
    WHERE         me.id_comp = @me
      AND their_kids.id_comp != @me;


SELECT my_parents.*
    FROM Relations AS me
    JOIN Relations AS my_parents  ON my_parents.id_comp = me.id_parent
    WHERE me.id_comp = @me;


SELECT my_kids.*
    FROM Relations AS me
    JOIN Relations AS my_kids  ON my_kids.id_parent = me.id_comp
    WHERE me.id_comp = @me;
