
Overriding properties & inheritance issue



borders.d(190): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()
borders.d(191): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\image.d(117): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\image.d(121): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\image.d(121): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\imagebutton.d(45): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\imagebutton.d(59): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\imagebutton.d(73): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\imagebutton.d(89): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\imagebutton.d(100): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\imagebutton.d(110): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\labelbutton.d(78): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\labelbutton.d(89): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(245): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(247): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(259): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(309): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(310): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(324): Error: function aeri.context.Context.size (Point newSize) is not callable using argument types ()
controls\textbox.d(325): Error: function aeri.context.Context.position (Point newPosition) is not callable using argument types ()

只是为了说明导致它的原因的示例。这是来自 borders.d

this(Context parent, Paint topPaint, Paint rightPaint, Paint bottomPaint, Paint leftPaint) {

    if (!parent)
        throw new BorderException("Pass a context to render the border around.");

    m_parent = parent;
    m_topPaint = topPaint;
    m_rightPaint = rightPaint;
    m_bottomPaint = bottomPaint;
    m_leftPaint = leftPaint;

    position = parent.position; // Line 190
    size = parent.size; // Line 191


override void size(Point newSize) {
        super.size = newSize;

        if (m_backgroundPaint != transparent) {
            m_backgroundShape = new RectangleShape(Vector2f(cast(float)super.width, cast(float)super.height));
            m_backgroundShape.fillColor = m_backgroundPaint.toSfmlColor();
            m_backgroundShape.position = Vector2f(cast(float)super.x, cast(float)super.y);
        if (m_border) {
            m_border.size = Point(super.size);

    override void position(Point newPosition) {
        super.position = newPosition;

        if (m_backgroundShape) {
            m_backgroundShape.position = Vector2f(cast(float)super.x, cast(float)super.y);
        if (m_border) {
            m_border.position = Point(super.position);

那些是二传手。 Context 继承了一个名为 Space 的 class,它具有用于位置和大小的 getter/setter。 Context 只覆盖 setter,但 getter 是相同的,应该从 Space 调用。似乎它甚至根本没有从 Space 获得属性。如您所见,它在应该获取 getter 时尝试获取 setter。然而,所有这些代码都可以更早地工作。

这是 Space 中的属性。

    Point position() { return m_position; }

    void position(Point newPos) {
        m_position = newPos;

    Point size() { return m_size; }

    void size(Point newSize) {
        m_size = newSize;

注意:我将所有属性包装成如下所示,以防万一您想知道为什么找不到 @property

@property {
    // properties


我仍在尝试自己解决这个问题,但我无法发现问题所在,而且在我更改 Space 中的一些行后一切似乎都崩溃了,但它的 none 成员.

如果您想知道 image.dimagebutton.dlabelbutton.dtextbox.d 中的错误是由同一件事引起的。他们都继承了 Context 并且也覆盖了大小/位置。 所以继承基本上是这样的:

x (ex. Image, ImageButton, LabelButton, TextBox etc.)

LabelButtonImageButton 继承 Button 继承 ControlControl 不会覆盖 Context 中的任何成员,因此所有对 Control 的调用都会直接转到 ContextButton也是一样,除了它有一些处理鼠标事件的内部成员(在Context中处理,但它调用那个。)

这里有 Control class 和 Button class 以防万一。

class Control : Context {
    this(string name) {


class Button : Control {
    bool m_intersecting = false;
    bool m_focused = false;

    void handleMouseReleased(Context context, Mouse.Button button) {
        m_focused = m_intersecting;
        if (m_focused && button == Mouse.Button.Left) {
            foreach (event; m_onClick) {
                if (event)

    void handleMouseMove(Context context, Point position){
        m_intersecting = super.intersect(position);
    this(string name) {

        super.onMouseReleased(new MouseClickEvent(&handleMouseReleased));
        super.onMouseMove(new PositionEvent(&handleMouseMove));

    private Action[] m_onClick;

    public void onClick(Action event) {
        if (!validMessageThread)
            throw new MessageException("Cannot register an event outside of the application thread / render thread");

        m_onClick ~= event;

如果您需要更多信息或代码,请告诉我。但是我认为这应该足够了。属性的继承和覆盖 / 属性 调用在早期运行良好。


我在 Context 中覆盖了 Spaceposition/size 的 setter,因此编译器从未在 Space 中寻找 getter,而是在 [=12] 中=].

我解决这个问题的方法是覆盖 Context.

Spaceposition/size 的吸气剂