谁可以访问 GitHub 组织下的 public 存储库?

Who can access public repos under an Organization in GitHub?

我在我组织的 GitHub 帐户下有一个存储库。我发现关于 repo privatepublic 的可见性有两个选项可用。 public 存储库是否仅对我组织中的所有人或 GitHub 上的所有人可见?

public 存储库对 public 互联网可见。

github documentation

You can choose to make the repository either public or private. Public repositories are visible to the public, while private repositories are only accessible to you, and people you share them with.

组织和用户帐户之间 'public' 的定义没有区别。

Public 存储库对组织内外的所有人开放。


You can choose to make the repository either public or private. Public repositories are visible to the public, while private repositories are only accessible to you, and people you share them with. Your account must be on a paid plan to create a private repository. For more information, see "GitHub's billing plans."